Forever Vacant

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Raina's POV.
Luke came immediately and was extremely worried. The two said goodbye to Jacen and Lisia. Lisia was so sweet and gave Raina some of her favorite drink to take back to Coruscant with her. She thought it might help. It was really only enough for one glass, but it was a sweet thought. Once they got back to Coruscant Raina went straight to bed.

The next day she awoke and took her medication. Raina got dressed and decided to go for a careful walk after breakfast. Luke was busy with the padawan in the training grounds. It was a test day where many of the older Padawan had to duel the masters.

Before she left the table after finishing her breakfast, Raina finished off her glass of the special drink Lisia gave her. The stuff was so good. She picked up her things and took them to the kitchen, where Kole was washing dishes.

"Master Starlight, I can wash those." He insisted as she began to do it herself.

"It's alright, Kole. I can handle it."


"Kole." She said warningly.

"Yes, Master Starlight."

He stood back and let her wash her plate. "When is it due?"

"Two months." She answered with a small smile.

"Wow. It's hard to imagine another little Skywalker waddling around here."

Raina grinned. "It's definitely something to look forward too."

When she was done, she turned to Kole. "I'm going to go for a walk in the garden. Of you could let Master Skywalker know that would be great."

"I will. Are you sure you don't want anyone to walk with you?"

Raina started to deny the offer, but she remembered what happened last time. "Sure. The company could do me good."

Kole smiled and walked out with her.

Once they made it to the gardens Raina breathed in the fresh air.

"You come up here a lot." Kole mentioned.

Raina nodded with a small grin. "I do. It's calming. Being surrounded by nature reminds me of Naboo and. . .my home."

"Where is your home?"


Kole nodded. "That's a small planet."

Raina nodded back. "It is, but it's beautiful. The sky is always so clear at night. You can see all the stars. Rivers flow through the forests and all our buildings are made out of the mountain rocks. It's absolutely beautiful."

"Sounds like it. When was the last time you've been there?"

Raina looked down. "I haven't been back there since. . ."
She paused and raised her eyebrows in realization. Time did pass by fast.
"Well I guess I haven't been back there since I was 16. Before my father sent me to be with Master Ashoka."

Kole looked surprised. "That's a long time ago."

Raina laughed. "Yes. It is."

Just then Raina began to feel a sharp pain in her abdomen. She stopped walking and held her bump.

Kole noticed immediately and reach for her elbow. "You alright?"

"I don't know. . ." She groaned as the pain increased. She immediately knew what was happening.

Breathing heavily she gave an order. "Go get Luke! Quickly!" "

"But I can't leave you."

"Go!" She commanded.

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