Now Knighted

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Raina's POV.

When Jacen returned from Dantooine Raina and Luke began to prepare for his ceremony.
Three days before the Knighting ceremony, Raina went to Jacen to explain how it would go. When she returned to her room from their talk, Luke was there.

"How did it go?" He asked.

"Great. He's going to start preparing for the ceremony immediately."

Luke nodded.

Raina noticed that he looked concerned. Having enough of his silence she huffed and sat down next to him on their bed.

"Okay, what's going on?"

He looked at her reluctantly. "I've just been thinking about Jacen's test."

"What about it?" Shaking his head, he looked ahead.

"Something about it just seems off. When you and I were tested we felt the full force of the Dark Side tempting us. It took everything we had to refuse it, but when Jacen told you about his test it didn't seem like it was that hard."

Raina shrugged. "Maybe he was just stronger than we were."

Luke stared at her momentarily. "Maybe, but I've never heard of a final test being that easy before. Not even in the archives. Most of the time it all but kills the person to deny the Dark Side and usually reveals their weaknesses like an exposed nerve."

"He said the sith used the Countess against him. That sounds just like what happened with you and I. The Sith used someone he loved to try and manipulate him into turning. He didn't. Instead he stood firm and was going to let the Countess die."

"Yes, I know, but it just seems like it was a little too easy for him to pass the test. Are we even sure that he truly loves her? It could be an infatuation you know."

Raina considered Luke's assumption. "That's true, but even so he still has feelings for her. Have you ever considered that maybe you're over thinking all this?"

Her husband sighed.
"Maybe. I just don't want to make the mistake that the old Jedi did. I can't just over look and excuse things like this."

"I understand, dear, but we can't let our fear of being like the Old Order cause of to make other mistakes."

He nodded. "You're right. Maybe I'm just being overly critical."

She leaned over and kissed his cheek. "No. You're just being a concerned Jedi Master."

Three days later Raina dressed in her ceremonial Jedi robes just as Luke and Jacen did and met the young padawan in the center of the Tranquility Spire.

She addressed him formally. "Good morning, young Rehala."

He bowed his head. "Good morning, Master Starlight."

Raina smiled warmly. "The Force is with you, young Rehala. Are you ready for your final trial?"

"I am."

Raina gestured to the center of the room and Jacen sat down cris-crossing his legs.

"You may begin."

With that she left the padawan. She brought him water a couple times, but they never spoke. She wondered what he would see during his meditation and if he would see anything. She remembered her Knighting ceremony. All the visions she had seen. They still haunted her to this day. She hoped that's all they were. . .visions.

All except one.

The vision about a daughter. She couldn't remember the name, but she remembered the vision. A daughter. She had brown hair like her own and brown eyes. Was that she and Luke's daughter? Or was she a possible future if she and Luke never got married. Maybe she would have met someone else. Either way, Raina wouldn't change anything. She loved Luke and was excited about their future together.

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