Chapter 25

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《》《Y/n pov》《》

After my date yesterday with Nicholas I have been feeling better, I never thought I would be able to find someone as sweet as Jaeden, who actually liked me. I'm on cloud-9

I got up out of my freshly made bed and got ready for the day, I have nothing to do but I'll find something.

I threw on an old pair of shorts and a gym shirt. I brushed out my hair and tied it up in a top knot. I picked my favourite necklace from my jewellery box and put it on.

I hopped down the stairs and spun into the kitchen. I pulled out the toaster and popped two pieces of toast into it.

I grabbed the nutella from the cupboard and a knife.

I waited around for a few minutes, scrolling through Instagram and answer messages until I heard the toast pop. I spread the nutella on it and left it on the counter while I got a glass of water.

I finished eating and walked upstairs to get change. I grabbed a bag and put on some walking shoes for my adventure.

I grabbed my keys and some money and closed the ground door as I left.

I started to walk out of the cul de sac and let my senses go and just see where I ended up. I arrived a few minutes later at the park and knew exactly were I wanted to go. I walked over the tree trunk, across the stream and into the flower field. I flung my bag onto the ground and rolled down the small hill in the field. Flower petals were jumping up as I rolled down the field. I hopped up as I reached the bottom and ran to the small tree branch by the river side.

I loved it here all the time, at night the moon reflects off the river leaving white light bouncing off the water and during the day the sun shines on the river allowing you to see all the fish and bugs in the water. Watching them be so content doing the same thing every day of their lives. I have to say it's very admirable. Sometimes I think it would be easier to be a fish.

I stayed my the water for a while thinking. After a while I got up, grabbed my bag and went back to the main part of the park and went home.

I dropped my bag by the door and hung up my jacket.

I grabbed my speaker from the press and brought it outside to play while I messed around with the tennis ball against the wall. Which quickly turned into acting out the songs.

I was dancing to We are young when the door bell rung, I ran to turn off my speaker and went up to the door after two more rings of the bell.

"Geezs" I rolled my eyes and looked threw the peephole then quickly swung open the door.


"What are you doing here" I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Are you dating Nicholas to get back at me" he said sternly.

"How do you know about him" I scoffed.

"He works with me in it" he explained quickly.

"Great, I rolled my eyes. "Look I didn't know, so can we just let this go" I said sincerely.

"No" Jaeden shouted "I'm telling him what you did so ye will break up" he started to walk off.

"I have actually started to feel happy these past few days because of him since we broke up I was a mess but Nicholas makes me happy" I said

Jaeden quickly turned around and walked back up to my door. "How do you think I feel, you cheated on me. I haven't been all smiles either."

"Jaeden, I have regretted it from the moment it happened. I wish I could go back in time and fix it bit I can't, that's why I spent the next week after we broke up to try and talk to you and tell you how sorry I was."

"You did?" Jaeden said confused

"Yes! I had run-ins with Jack, Sophia and Finn. I tried to get them to let me talk to you but they refused."

"Good to know" Jaeden said quietly and started to walk away. My head hung low. "I won't tell Nicholas" he turned his head towards me. I lifted my head and saw he was being sincere.  

"Thanks" I stretched my lips into a small smile which Jaeden returned.

I quickly turned and closed the door as I walked inside. I felt so confused and conflicted. That finally moment with Jaeden gave me butterflies and reminded me of when we were together.

I definitely still like him.


Word count: 807

Thank you for reading 💜

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