Chapter 22

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《》《Y/n pov》《》

I told her everything that had happened over the summer I laughed and then I cried. She just understands me.

"Well I have a surprise for you" she squealed.

"What?" I said matching her enthusiasm.

"I coming back to visit next week" she screamed.

"Really, your not kidding with me, right" I gasped.

"I am and I'm going make mom let me stay in your house for at least one night" the giggled.

"Oh, I hope, I'm so excited" I was beaming.

"Look I have to go, but we will talk later" she exclaimed.

I set my phone down and for the first time all summer I wasn't thinking about Jaeden and I was still happy.

《》《Jaeden pov》《》

I didn't really want to go with Finn but donuts... so here I am at the mall trying to get me to...mingle. I been crying for the past 3 days, I miss her so much but what she did is unforgivable.

I got plucked out of my thoughts when I heard a "have you met Jaeden"

Finn knows how much I love how I meet your mother.

"Hi, I'm Zoë." A brown haired girl smiled. (Sorry if that's your name)

"I introduced myself and we started having a conversation while Finn talked to her friend.

She is really nice and funny, Finn was right I needed to get out there. We talked for about a half an hour before they had to leave. We exchanged numbers and started to walk home.

"So... What did you think" Finn smirked.


"What's wrong" Finn sighed.

"I just got of a relationship and after talking to her for a while, I just think Y/n is a better match for me."

"First of all 'was' and secondly that girl hasn't cheated on you we obviously she's a better match for you." Finn growled.

"Ya, your right" I grumbled

"I always am, donuts?"

"Of course" I smiled

《》《Y/n pov》《》

*One week later*

I heard I knock at the door and threw the dishes into the sink and ran to the door. I swung it open and wrapped
bf/n into a hug.

"I missed you so much, I can't believe you are actually here" I shouted as we ran to the couch.

"Same" she squealed.

"We didn't talk much about what was happening to you when on the phone, sorry about that" I rubbed the back of my neck. "But let's do it now"

"Ok, are you ready" she went wide eyed.

We were talking for about 20 minutes until we started to get hungry.

"Let's go to Olive garden" bf/n suggested.

"Yes, I love the food there" I enthused.

After lunch

"I'm so full but do you want to get coffee" I said hanging onto her arm.

"Starbucks?" She lightly tugged my arm.

I glanced at my favourite cafe across the street. "Ya, that's good"

"I'll order for you" bf/n name said before walking over to the cashier.

I was staring out the window at the little coffee shop, good memories were there.

"Two freshly brewed cups of coffee" bf/n said with relish as she slid my cup across the table to me. I swooped down and grabbed it just before it reached the edge of the table.

"Nice catch" she grinned. I rolled my eyes and began to drink my coffee.

We started to walk home, as we passed the little coffee shop, I saw a familer face in the window. It was Jaeden and Finn having presumably a double date. I quickly passed the window so neither would see me.

"Y/n are you ok?" B/th asked after taking a look at my red eyes and broken frown.

"He's with another girl" I ran into her arms and she comforted me all the way home and until she had to go back to her grandparents house.


Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed.

I have a question for you guys should their be a time skip soon? Give me your opinions I don't want to make the time to fast if that is going to make it weird for the book, thanks.

♡ Darling ♡ Jaeden WesleyWhere stories live. Discover now