Chapter 7

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Jaeden p.o.v

"Where did the two of ye go" finn asked us, when we walked on to set.

"Just to the park" y/n said quickly.

"Nice, well Jaeden you need to got to makeup you have a scene in 45 minutes" finn walked away.

"Thanks" I shouted after him. "Do you wanna stay in my trailer for a while, I can text you when I'm going to shoot so you can watch" I turned to y/n.

"Ya, I'm quite tired" she ushered for me to start walking.

We reached my trailer a few minutes later and I opened the door and stepped inside with y/n on my tail.

"Welcome, you can leave your bag on the couch. I will be about 40 minutes, if you get hungry you know where the food truck"

"Ok, thanks" she smiled.

Damn that perfect smile, it contagious. "I'll see you soon" I gave her a kiss. Her cheeks turned red. I walked out the door. "You are so cute when you blush"

Y/n p.o.v

Jaeden left. I sat down on the couch. I just watched some YouTube.

I Got a text from Jaeden telling me Sophia was going to collect me. Just then I heard a knock at the door. I stepped outside and followed Sophia to the stage where Jaeden was shooting.

"Hey, y/n, I'm shooting soon you can sit on my chair" Jaeden said proudly showing me his chair with his name across it "pretty cool, right?"

"Amazing" I could see how excited he was "well good look"

He gave me a smile "thanks" then walked of in front of the cameras.

"Action" I heard a someone say.

Jaeden started acting, it was like he completely changed emotion him the few seconds since we talked. I was mesmerized by his amazing acting, it felt so real. I continued watching the scene paying close attention to each action he did along with the others in the scene.

The director, I'm assuming, shooting cut and decided that the take was great.

"That was amazing, Jaeden" I hugged him. "I was taking notes"

Jaeden brows furrowed " taking notes for what"

"Did I not tell you? I do theatre" I asked him confused

"No you didn't, how could you"

"It slipped my mind, sorry"

"So what shows have you done" he questioned.

"Well it's mostly musical, I have done fiddler on the roof, my fair lady, sound of music, all shook up and a few more"

We walked back to Jaedens trailer continuing to talk about my shows.

We walked into his trailer."It's nearly 5 now so we could go and get coffee and I could walk you home" Jaeden gave me a smile.

"I would love that" I gave him a kiss.

I grabbed my bike and walked home with Jaeden.  We talked until we reached the door of the little coffee shop. We both walked in and ordered our favourite drinks and a cookie. I made Jaeden let me pay. We walked out and continued talking and laughing until we reached the end of my cul de sac.

"Thanks for walking me home, it was really nice" I said putting my bike into the garage.

We both leaned in and held a long kiss. I smiled at him and unlocked the door.

Who knew someone could make me feel this way


Thank you for reading also I'm Irish so sorry if I use any terms that you don't understand like cul de sac.

♡ Darling ♡ Jaeden WesleyWhere stories live. Discover now