Chapter 11

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Y/n pov

"Yayy" Wyatt and I shouted like the children we are.

"I can clean up the kitchen" I told the boys.

"I'll help you" Noah said as he flashed me a smile. "So what do you do when you are not hanging out with these weirdos"

"I do athletics and theatre" I handed him a clean dish.

"Oh, you do theatre that is so cool. What shows have you done" he smiled.

"I have done Jekell and Hyde, my fair lady, the sound of music and a few others. This year we are doing We Will Rock You" I told Noah.

"I'm so going to see that" he smirked.

"Nooo!" I put my face in my hands.

Noah laughed. We continued to eat and had a fun chat.

After about five minutes, we stepped back and admired our work. The kitchen was spotless.

"Wow" Finn said shocked "it hasn't been this clean since we moved in"

Me and Noah high fived.

"Let's go" Wyatt said. "It's a 15 minutes walk"

We started walking and talked it only felt like a minute, Noah is so funny.

"Let's go on the graviton" I said pointing at the big flying sauser ride.

We got our wristbands checked and got on the ride. We leaned against the wall and waited for the ride to start.
We heard a shout and felt the ride jerk into action.

Everything was a blur and all I could hear was screams from Finn beside me. I grabbed Noahs arm out of panic and we glanced at each other with fear in our eyes.

The ride began to slow and the screaming stopped. I let go of Noahs arm and mocked Finn screaming.

"I was just very surprising that's it" I told him as we walked down the steep steps.

I saw one of those ghost trains but the entrance was a clowns month.

"Let's go on that" I said grabbing Wyatts arm.

"I'm not going on that I don't like clowns" Finn said shuddering at the sight of the clown.

"Wyatt, Noah" I looked at them with pleading eyes.

"I'll go" Noah said.

"Yayyy! Let's go" I pulled him over to the queue and we got into the short line.

We got into a cart and pulled down the bar to secure yourselfs I to the cart.

The ride started there was a lot of jump scares I was screaming a lot, Noah kept laughing at me.

"Stop!!" I lightly elbowed him.

"I just so funny" he said through laughs.

"You shouldn't be mean to... ahhhhh" I said as a another clown popped out.

Again Noah burst into laughter.

We laughed together for the rest of the ride. We hopped off the ride and went to find Wyatt and Finn.

We found them at the food area.
"I'm not surprised" I rolled my eyes at them while they stuffed there faces with burgers and chips.

Wyatt pushed the other burgers over to our side of the table and we stuffed out faces.

We went on a rides until about 6 o'clock and decided to go home.

When we got back to the house I grabbed the stuff I had left there a got ready to go home.

"Where did Finn and Wyatt go" I asked Noah.

"They went to change there is still mud all over there clothes from when they fell off the stairs" Noah chuckled

"Those two are so stupid." I sighed "well I have to go home, will you tell them"

"Of course" Noah stepped closer to me. "I had fun today"

"Me too" I smiled.

Noah leaned in and kissed me. I was soft and gently and I didn't stop him. After a few seconds I pulled away.

Noah smirked. "I'll see you tomorrow" he winked.

I put my finger on my lip telling him to keep it a secret.

I stepped out the door




Thanks for reading 💜

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