Chapter 21

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Y/n pov

I put my phone into my back pocket, composed myself and wiped the tears from my eyes. I took a look in the mirror before leaving and started at my red nose and puffy eyes, I let out a sigh before closing the door.

I started walking to the set, I passed the coffee shop and decided to go in.

"Y/n We haven't seen you in a while, how are things" Ciara, one of the baristas, smiled.

"Good" I forced a smile back "Umm.. could I get a tea"

"Of course, give me a minute"

I sat down in a booth and waited. I saw a couple my age cuddling in the booth in front of me. They seem so happy, how naive. I got my tea and went on my way.

I got to the set, I fixed my hair and clothes before going up to the gate.

"Hi, Y/n L/n" I nodded to the woman at the booth

"Sorry, your not on the list" she scanned the piece of paper on front of her.

"I'm sorry, what?" I blurted out.

"I'm sorry, you were taken off the list yesterday" she said confused.

"Do you know... who took me off" I stuttered.

"I can't tell" she growled, she was getting tired of my shit.

I put my hands up in defeat and walked away, once out of sight I let the tears flow.

I started walking to the casts house, in hope they wouldn't be working.

I opened up the gate and walked up the stone path to the door. I knocked quietly.

The door swung open and was greeted by Finns face. He hastily closed the door behind him.

"What the hell are you doing here" he barked.

"I want to apologise to Jaeden"

"I sorry, but an..."

"An apology is not going to cut it" I interrupted "I know that's what everyone is saying, but I want to hear it from Jaeden himself"

"Do you not realise what you have done to Jaeden." Finn snapped. " He is devastated, he won't talk to anyone, he only talks when he has to do scenes, you broke him" Finn started to raise his voice. " Why?" I stared at Finn for a moment, he was hurt and mad at me, I could see it in his face.

"I..I don't know really, I regreted it right after. You need to know I never stopped feeling guilty about what I did. But I didn't want Jaeden to ever know because he's the best thing in my life. I wished it never happened, Noah kept texting me and calling me. I felt like I piece of shit for what I did to Jaeden, I never wanted to hurt him" I confessed while sobbing.

Finn took a good look at me. "Well you did" he slammed the door in my face.


I fucked up and I can't do anything about it.

I pulled out my phone and tapped the number.

"You actually answered" I smiled.

"Why wouldn't I, you're my best friend" she said.

"I have so much to tell you" I sighed.

《》《Finns pov》《》

I slammed the door behind me.

"Who was that" Jack asked.


"Mormons?" Jack said confused

"Talkactive ones" I said and rushed past him.

I knocked on Jaedens door. "Can I come in"

I heard an inaudible groan and took it as a yes.

"How are you buddy" I patted his back.

"Sad" wow he actually said something.

"And you're allowed to feel like that, Are you angry" I said cautiously.

"Jaeden lifted his head from the pillow and rolled his eyes. "What do you think"

"You need to get out there and meet some people" I encouraged him.

"Finn, I appreciate what your doing but I don't feel like going out" Jaeden sighed.

"What if I were to buy you donuts"

"Ok, but not for long" he smiled.


656: word count

I hope you liked that chapter. ❤

(Did you catch the stranger things reference, comment if you did)

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