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"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Midoriya! What's wrong?" Hinata asked when Izuku frantically ran into their dorm room. He had tears streaming down his face and it looked like he was hyperventilating.

Izuku tried to explain what happened, he was in to much of a panicked state to form proper sentences. "I-I-I just- Kacchan- I can't- How'd I-"

Hinata grabbed his shoulder, making the slightly taller boy focus on him. "Deep breaths, you need to calm down. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong and you can't do that until you calm down, okay?" He coached gently.

Izuku took a few shaky breaths, trying to get his racing heart under control. Once he was able to finally talk and articulate his thoughts, he was able to fill Hinata in on what happened. "Kacchan... he kissed me."

The orange haired boy's eyes went wide at what he said. He wasn't really surprised that it happened, just that it happened so soon. He secretly wanted it to happen thought. He wasn't fond of Kaminari and honestly just wanted his friend out of the relationship that he could see was slowly becoming toxic. "Did you.... kiss him back?" He asked slowly, knowing he had to approach the situation with at least some delicacy.

He only received a head nod in response as Izuku's eyes weld up with even more tears.

"Why're you so upset? No offense, but even I can tell that you're madly in love with him and the redhead. You call them nearly everyday and sit on skype for hours, even when all of you should be sleeping. You talk about them constantly. You could barely sleep at all last week because you were just that excited about finally seeing them again. Isn't finally kissing one of them a good thing?" Hinata asked. Knowing Izuku for nearly a year now, he had thought he had gauged the other boy's emotions quite well, meaning that kissing Katsuki is something he had wanted to do for a while now.

Izuku quickly shook his head. "I-I don't love them like that! I have- I have a boyfriend! I love him.  I can't believe I just- Hinata, I just cheated on him!"

"Midoriya," Hinata started like he was trying to explain something to a child. "You have a boyfriend... that you constantly fight with and it's only getting worse. Don't think I didn't notice you crying a few days ago."

The other boy's face heated up at Hinata saying that he had noticed Izuku and Kaminari's problems getting worse. "They're just stupid fights that don't mean anything. Every couple fights, you and Kageyama fight all the time!" Izuku pointed out.

Hinata shook his  head. "That's different. Our fights end with us laughing about them. A fight has made me cry one time, and Kageyama came here and apologized in person. Then the next day he took me on a date. There's a difference between accidentally making your boyfriend cry and feeling guilty about it, and making him cry and not caring because you think you're right."

"Well you and Kageyama are just across campus from each other. Denki and I live over an hour away." Izuku pointed out, trying to defend his relationship. Was it bad that he was really only fighting that hard because of the guilt he was feeling?

"He drove up here a few days later. Did he ever apologize or even try to talk about it?" Hinata asked, raising his eyebrows in question.

Izuku was silent and Hinata knew the answer.

"I hate this." Izuku mumbled, not knowing what he was supposed to do anymore. "I'm just gonna go to bed, hopefully I'll wake up and this will have all been some twisted nightmare."

Hinata nodded, letting Izuku crawl into his own bed and roll over so his back was to the other boy. He didn't want his roommate to see the silent tears that were still falling from his eyes.

Hinata felt his phone buzz in his pocket, so he grabbed it. He saw the contact and sighed.

Look I know he's mad at Bakugou right now but just tell me that he made it back to your guys' dorm.

Ya he made it back.

Is he okay?

If you qualify okay as having a mental breakdown because you cheated on your semi toxic boyfriend with one of the boys you are clearly in love with and now you just want to leave that relationship but you can't because of the insane amount of guilt you're feeling, then ya he's okay.

I have questions about that whole text.

They've been fighting a lot recently and you have to be legally blind to not see how absolutely head over heels he is for you two. Get some glasses.

Guess I'll get on that and they're fighting?

You should talk to Midoriya about this, I've probably already said way to much.

I doubt he'd want to talk to me especially about Kaminari.

Why? You aren't the one who kissed him.

We're kind of a package deal tho and seeing as I'm on Bakugou's side I don't think that conversation would go really well.

Noted. He's asleep now but I'll try to talk to him in the morning

Maybe I can get him to see you guys before you have to leave.

Thank you Hinata, seriously.

No offense but I'm not really doing it for you or Bakugou. I just know Midoriya would be happier with you guys than Kaminari could ever possibly make him. I'm doing it for my roommate.

Ya I get that, but still thank you.

You're welcome I guess.

"That was Kacchan, wasn't it?" Izuku spoke up, looking over at his roommate.

Hinata raised his eyes to the other boy before clearing his throat. "No actually, it was Kirishima. He just wanted to make sure you got here safe." He explained.

Izuku nodded, pulling his blankets up further. It looked like he was trying to burying himself under them and just block out the real world.

"Can you... can you just tell him I'm not mad... at either of them. I know Kacchan has to be beating himself up right now, but... I'm not mad at him." Izuku said, knowing he shouldn't text either of them at that moment. He was to conflicted.

Hinata nodded, his eyes softening as he realize just how messed up his friend was because of the kiss.

He wanted me to tell you both that he's not mad at either of you, especially Bakugou.

Read 7:57

"Well they know now." He said, looking back up from his phone.

"Thank you, Hinata." Izuku whispered.

"No problem. Are you gonna see them tomorrow?" Hinata asked gently.

Izuku shook his head. "I don't think I should. The best thing for us would probably be for them to just go back home and we can go back to how things used to be."

"The only person that that would benefit is Kaminari. You'd still be miserable and I don't think Bakugou or Kirishima would be any better off." Hinata pointed out, trying to get his friend to see reason.

Izuku rolled back over, facing his wall. "I deserve to be miserable." He mumbled to himself, to quiet for Hinata to understand.

Hinata let out a sigh seeing that Izuku was clearly done talking for the night. 'I have a really bad feeling about this.' He thought to himself.

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