Chapter15-The weird dream

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In the morning

I woke up I slowly flutter my opened and I just remembered I had a weird dream yesterday but what does it. What did he meant by saying. "The man you love is right in front of you." I shake that from my head and took refreshing shower. After that I went in my room. Just thinking of what that dream said to me.
     "The man you are going to love is right in front you. You just need to open your heart to him." He said. The voice of him keep ringing in my head.
So what should I do? Should I leave Jack and choose Jaze instead. But how can I do that if I still love Jack and I love Jaze too. I'm torn between them. I don't want Jaze to be hurt. By loving Jack but he said it's okay. That he's only one loving me he is happy with that. But I can't help being impulsive with the two specially to Jaze because Jaze is okay with everything that I do. I know he loves me. But I still love Jack but I love him too. I just cannot choose between the two of them. I want to choose Jaze but if I did, I will be breaking my promise to myself because I'm here to sort out my thoughts I want to know if Jack still loves me. By thinking so much about this gives me a headache. I go down to the kitchen and get a glass of water. I drank it all up. But somehow it doesn't help me at all. I stared crying for no reason because maybe it's the pain. Of Jack leaving me I get over him until now.

Jack went out of his room and saw me crying.
He came near me.
      “Elsa, why are you crying."
      "Because you left me. Without saying a word don't you know how much pain I'm in because of you?"
     “Elsa, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to actually hurt you."
     “You don't mean it. You just want to make yourself feel better just saying that. Look Jack. I'm still hurting because you left me and the memories of us it's not easy to forget because even if you turn the world upside down you've still had hurt me. But I want to love you I really do. But I do not want to hurt Jaze. So I'm stopping myself from loving you because I know if I loved you again I'll be hurting myself and Jaze too. Look Jack I'm sorry but why can't I mean we can't I'm sorry. I said and walked away.
Jack stopped me by hugging me.
     “Jack let go."
    “Elsa, don't this. I was wrong I'm sorry that I've hurt you so much before but without you I feel broken your the only one who could fix me. Please. Believe in me."
    “Jack, I don't want to believe you but my heart believes in you and I don't understand it. But I don't want to be hurt again."
     “Look, Elsa, I'm not giving up on you."
     “Jack, stop it. Stop saying that you love me because you have loved me in the past. But now my heart aches in pain because until now I cannot still comprehend why did you do that. I thought you love me! I thought it was only me. But I wrong you been so cold to me and you became inattentive to me before I thought you would love only me. But it seems since we broke up I guess you happy that time because you love playing with other girls hearts I thought I was only the one for you but maybe not."
    “Elsa, please listen to me."
     "I'm tired Jack, I'm tired of listening to your lies I'm tired of loving you when you don't love me. Because you said I was suffocating you. But I don't understand I still love still love you when you keep hurting me and toying me. Do you think I'm your toy Jack?"
     "No, Elsa I'm not toying with you."
     “Admit it. You only used me you made me your personal punching bag and we keep on fighting before. And that lead us to our mishaps and misunderstandings we keep on missing one another until I found that you been cheating on me with me I didn't tell you that I know because I know you would only denied it and not tell the truth. So Jack please give me some space and time to rethink about us. Because right now. I really can't I love Jaze now and I cannot hurt him anymore because he loves me with every bit of him he loves even though everything is complicated between us because I still love you and he let me go back to you even if I don't want to because he will get hurt but it's okay for him for me to love you. Jaze is a very special and rare person. He doesn't care if I don't love him. He only cares about my happiness.” I said and left Jack and went to my room.

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