Chapter9- A compicated situation

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So Jaze said he will see me tomorrow and live with me to protect me. I just know something bad will happen if Jaze and Jack will meet. But there's nothing I can do about it. Because I know Jaze misses me so much and he's also determined to have me back and I also admit I have missed him. Cause I didn't hangout with him recently cause I'm here at Jack's house to sort out my thoughts with Jack. But now Jaze is coming here because he said that I need him to protect me because of Jack. I'm just worried because they might argue and fight because of me. Well I hope not. I hope that's not the case. While I was in my room I heard the doorbell ringing. I went downstairs to check it out then Emma go out of her room and asked.
     “Who is it."
     “It's me, Jaze you know Elsa's boyfriend?"
She opened the door to let him in and when he went in. He saw me coming downstairs and quickly hugged me tightly.
     “Elsa, I've missed you so much he said and kissed me. We were like that for a while then he slowly pulled away and he stared at me. I was looking down. "Elsa, is there something wrong?"
Then Jack came out of his room and saw them.
     “Jaze, what are doing here?"
    “Can't you see I'm here to see my girl why did you do something to her?"he said pulling me closer to him.
He was caught of guard and didn't say anything?
     “Jack, answer my question did you do something to her."
He remained silent
    “Answer me now. Did you something to her."
      “I kissed her okay?" He then admitted.
     “I know she told me."
Jaze then punched Jack on the face.
     “Jaze, honey enough!Come on. Let's go to my room. I'm sorry Jack."
     “Okay, sweetie coming, hey if you kiss Elsa once more I will hit you so hard that you wouldn't be able to get up so mark my words."he said.
     “Jaze, honey you coming?"
     “Yeah,"he said and went upstairs.
We went to my room.
I go in and he goes in and close the door.
He sat on my bed and I sat beside him and he looked at me and said.
     “Elsa, are you done sorting out your thoughts with Jack have you decided who will you choose among us?"
     “No, I'm not done yet. But I'll call you once I'm done. Hmm?"
"Okay, but can I stay here for a while my love I have miss being with you."
"Okay. I miss you being with you too."he said and kissed my forehead.
I kissed his cheek. He then pulled me closer and he kissed my lips. We started making out but not to the point what you think it was. We were just kissing. He pushed me to the couch and he continued kissing me. Then we broke away and he looked at me and smiled and started caressing my hair and he said.
     “Elsa, sweetie. What if I leave you because I know that I'm only distracting you from loving him because you don't really love me and you still love him."
     “Jaze, don't say that please I love you."
      "I know you love me. But I don't want to give you hard time because I know you had already loved me and I'm going to set you free because I love you so much. I'm willing to do anything for you even if means we should part ways."
     "Jaze are you breaking up with me?"
     “No, how can I do that when I'm crazy in love with you. I'm just saying I don't want to give you a hard time by choosing between the two of us because I know deep in your heart you still love him and not me I'm just second in your life. But it's alright cause I know you have already loved me and I'm satisfied with that I just don't want to see you lonely because of me. You cannot love Jack freely because I'm there and you know I will be hurt if he does something to you like kiss you, hug you and you know I wish I was him because if I was him I'll will love you like no one else could do. I'm not breaking up with you because I know you need me. You need my love. But Elsa, no matter what they say, always remember that I love you very much and you're so precious to me."
     “Jaze, please don't leave me."
     “I need to, because our situation is very complicated and now your living with Jack now. It's hard for me to see my girl with someone else because every time I see you with Jack I'm reminded how I was before when I'm still with Maddie that she left for another. He sighed and said. Please just sort out your thoughts right away because I cannot stop worrying about you. That something bad may happen to you. Because your here with Jack and not with me. But there's one way for me to stay."
     “What is it?"
     “Leave Jack forget him and be with me instead hmm if you can do that I will not leave anymore."
    “Jaze, I thought you understood me that I'm not ready to leave Jack because I'm still sorting out my thoughts with him.
     "I know you can't do it but it's okay. I still love you. Always remember that. Elsa, I'm just afraid to lose you again."  
     “Jaze, you will not lose me because I'm right here."
     “For now, but what if Jack tries to take you away from me."
     "Jaze, that will not happen now that your here to protect me. And I know Jack he will not do that to me. Jack may seem like a jerk but he's a good person and if that happens It's alright because I know you're here to protect me and I kind of like it when you're here at least you reduce my pain in my heart because I'm so lonely without you and I can't stop thinking about you."
     “The same here I can't stop thinking about you because you mean everything to me. He said and hugged me. Oh right Elsa, did Jack told you something?"
     “Like what?"
     “The real reason for your breakup."
    “Hmm. Nope."
     “He didn't told yet?"
     “Told me what?"
      “Oh, okay then."
    “Elsa, wait right here I'm going to check something."
     “I'll be back,"he said and kissed me.
Then he went out. When he went out he goes to the kitchen and started making a sandwich for Elsa, so he took out the ingredients to make them. Then in a blender he mix mango and strawberries then he get a glass and pour the shake in the glass then he put the final touches on the sandwich and got a tray while he was walking back to Elsa's room he saw Jack sitting in the living room and he called.
     “Jaze, where are going and with that tray in your hands?"
     “Pftt. Can't you guess? It's for Elsa, now move she's waiting."
     “Wait, where did you buy that?"
    “What? I didn't bought it I made it. He stops for a minute and put the tray on the table. He sat down and told Jack to sit also and he asked.
     “Jack, did you tell Elsa the truth yet?"
    “No, not yet."
    “Hey, are you going to even tell her."
    “Yeah I will, I'm just waiting for the right timing."
He sighed. Jack until when Huh! When will you tell Elsa the truth about your breakup Huh. She deserves to know stop being a coward and tell her if your not going to I will. I won't give much time better tell her tomorrow or I will."
     “Okay, I'll do it tomorrow."
     “Better make sure of it. Cause if you don't I will. So better do it."
He then pick up the tray and went upstairs and went to Elsa's room.
He knocked on her door.
     "Elsa, sweetie it's me."
     "Oh, come in Jaze honey."
He came in and put the tray on the table.
     “Jaze what's this?"
    “I thought your getting hungry so I grab you a snack."
     “Awe, thanks honey, did you made this?"
    “Yes, I made it just for you."
I sat on the chair. I stared at him.
"Jaze, let's share."
He smiled. Sure sweetie. He said and seated right across me.
He smiled at me. Then I ask.
     “Jaze, honey why are you not eating?"
     “Just watching you eat the food that I made makes my heart full."
    “Awe, you're so sweet."
    “Elsa, sweetie how's Jezel doing?"
    “Anna's taking care of her remember?"
    “Oh, yeah."
     “So how's it going with you and Jack?"
     “Still the same."
     “Elsa, love me instead."
     “Jaze, I do love you. But I'm still confused because it's hard move on from your first love. But don't worry I'll try harder to sort out my thoughts and once I do. I'll be with you. Can you wait for me till then?"
He smiled at me and said.
     “Of course I'll wait for you no matter what. Because you're my everything. You mean so much to me and I know I can't live without you. Because you showed me how to love someone and be loved in return although I know you made me feel loved by letting me just love you."
     “Did I really make you feel that way?"
     “Yes, and I know your situation and I understand what your going through."
     “Ahh, Jaze, won't you get tired of loving me?"
     “No, I won't get tired because my heart beats for you and no one else."
I came close and hugged him and also kissed him. Then I pulled away.
     “Elsa, did you just kiss me?"
     “Yes, why? Don't you like it?"
     “No, I don't like because I loved it and I love you."He said and pulled me to a kiss. Then he pulled away. So I guess you'll stay here?"
     “Yes, I'm here to protect you."
     “But Jaze, I don't want you and Jack to fight because of me."
     “Elsa look at me. I won't fight with Jack but if he does something unpleasing to you. I'll protect you from him. I'll let you sort out your thoughts with him. But please let me stay with you. Because I just want to be with you."
I sighed. "What will I do with you. Okay you may stay Jaze honey."
     “Thank you Elsa, sweetie."He said and hugged me.
He pulled away from the hugged.
     “Jaze, you should probably go home. I'm sure your brother is looking for you."
     “No, I told him earlier that I'm going to see you and be with you."
     “And he agreed?"
     “What do you think?"
    “So did he?"
He smiled and hold my hands.
     “Yes, he did. Because I told him its only for a few days."
    “Oh, alright. I give a small smile."
     “Sweetie my love what's wrong?"
I then snapped out of my thoughts and without knowing I said. "Huh?"
     "You seem to be thinking about something deep."
    "Oh, t-that?"
     “I'm just thinking about what you said earlier?"
     “About what?"
     “That you'll be staying here only for a few days."
     “Oh, that... It's because my older sister is coming next week to visit me and James."
     “Oh, I see can I come with you?"
    "I thought you are still sorting out your thoughts here with Jack."
     “Yes, but I want to see your sister too."
     "Don't worry you will one day, but now isn't the time for it. Because my sister maybe a little sensitive when it comes to the girls I like because she saw Maddie with another guy and she got so angry with her for fooling me and I don't want you to experience all that and I don't want you to get involved in our family matters. But don't worry Elsa sweetie, I'll make a good impression of you in front of my sister."
     “Okay, but why do you not want me to go with you?"
     “Because if my sister knew about you living with Jack she will break us apart and force me to breakup with you. So I'll bring you next time okay Elsa sweetie."
     “Okay, but when will you visit me again?"
     “When things are settled okay."
I nodded meaning I understood him. But when will you go?"
     “In two days. But don't worry I'll be back as soon as can. While I'm away please promise me you should protect yourself while I'm away okay love?"
     “Hmm, okay honey. I said and nodded."
     “Promise me when I come back to you should sort out your thoughts by then. Hmm."
     “Okay, I'll try for you."
     “That's my girl."he said and patted my head.
     “Hmm? So, do you want to do something?"
     “Yeah, sure. Let's go to library and read some books you like that right."
"Yes, and besides we didn't go last time because you said there's something you want to show that time."
     “Yeah,"he said and rub his nape. So shall we go?"
     “Yes, we shall. Wait there I'll just get dressed.
I picked out an outfit I should wear.
So I took out my light blue striped t-shirt then wore my blue ragged denim jacket then I wore my gray skirt and my light blue heels. Then I began fixing my hair. I combed it then I wore my blue sunglasses then after that I put my purple I shadow and pink lipstick then I headed out.
I then went down. He saw in my outfit
     “Elsa, you look so pretty."he said gave me a compliment.
     “Thank you. Jaze honey."
     “You're welcome Elsa sweetie.
     “So where are we going?"
     “Judging by your appearance. Do you want to go my resort?"
     “Oh, you mean your beach resort?"
     “Yeah, now that you seem to be going to the beach. So sweetie do you want to go?"
     “Yeah, sure."
      “Come on let's go."he said dragged me to the car.
     “Elsa, sweetie is it alright if we stop by my house first?"
     “To get the things we need for the beach."
    “Alright. But be quick I'm so excited to see the sand and clear water."
     “Okay, I'll be quick, he said and got down and headed in the house.
So he went in to get the things they need like sunscreen sunblock a mat to lay on the sand and buckets and his clothes to change. Then he went out.
He went out and he goes straight to the car.
     “Um, Jaze honey can we stop at my house I forgot to bring my extra clothes.
     “Oh sure, sweetie just make it quick."
He drop me off at the house and I went in. I went to my room to pack my clothes. Then Anna came to my room.
    “Elsa, where are you going?"
     “Oh, Anna you're awake, well I'm going to the beach with Jaze."
     “Ohh, can I come?"
     “No, you can't come."
     “Why not?"
I gave her the look.
     “Ahh, okay I understand what you mean but make sure you bring something for me when you get back.
     “Okay, I'll be back tomorrow."
     “Tomorrow? Why?„
     "I just decided to."
     "Ohh. I see okay. Tell Jaze hi for me okay."
     "Okay I will. See you tomorrow."
     "Yeah, see you. Bye Anna, I said and went downstairs and headed out. Then he saw me and asked.
     "Elsa, he smiled are you done sweetie?"
    “Yes, I'm done. He came in to get my stuff.
     “Elsa, sweetie I'll carry that for you. He said and grab my things and put it on the trunk. Then he walks to the driver's seat and told me to get in.
    “Yes, love?"
     “Can we bring along Jezel. It's been a while since I last saw her."
He smiled at me and said. "Sure, sweetie."
     “Wait, there I'll just go back and get her."
     “Sure, sweetie."
     “Thanks, Jaze honey, I said and pecked his lips. Be right back." I said to him.
So I went to the house again and found Anna in her room.
     “Oh, you're back that was quick."her sister said.
     "Anna, we haven't left yet." I told her.
     “Cause I said I'm going to bring Jezel to our trip.
     “Oh.. Okay. I'll just get her."
Then Anna hands Jezel over to me and I can hear her purring."
     “Thanks, Anna." I said leaving.
     “Oh, wait," I stop in my tracks and looked back and I saw a little dress and shoes."
     “Anna, what's that?" I pointing to it.
      “It's Jezel clothes."
      “Anna when did you find the time to make all this?"
     “When I wasn't doing anything."
     “Awe Anna Thank you."
     "Come on, go now. I'm sure Jaze is waiting for you."
     “Okay, thanks again Anna. Bye.
     “Bye, see you tomorrow and spend your time with Jaze and don't worry about me. I can manage."
     “Okay,"I said and went out.
She waved goodbye.
I went out and Jaze came out of the car and said.
     “Elsa, sweetie are you ready?"
     "Yes, I said and nodded.
He opened the door for me to get in but before I got in I put Jezel in the back seat and the car door then I went to passenger seat then Jaze opened the car door and he walks to the driver's seat and started driving. The drive was quite long and minutes later I fell asleep cause I felt sleepy cause there's nothing to do. So I slept. He notice her sleeping and she's quite cute when she sleeps she's like angel. He turns on the air-con so she wouldn't hot. We stopped at a lunch bar and he woke her up.
     “Elsa, sweetie, wake up."he said shaking her awake.
     "Oh, honey, are we here?" I said and flutter my eyes open.
    “No, not yet. But do you want to have lunch?"
     "Lunch? Oh okay. I'm getting hungry anyway."
So we stop at a restaurant called Team Horton. And we park the car we got down. And headed in. He noticed my shoelases are untied.
      “Elsa, sweetie wait." I stop in my tracks and turned to him.
     “What's wrong Jaze honey?"
He then went near me bend down and tied my shoelases after he did that. He peck my lips.
     "Jaze." I said and covered my face.
     “Elsa, sweetie, he said and took of my hands from my face. "Don't be shy Elsa sweetie, it's just the two of us here."
     “Where's the customers?"
     “I rented this. So we can be alone."
     “Yes, so feel free to order anything you want."
     "I'll order all of the food here."
     “Oh, Elsa you're so adorable."he said and laugh.
     “Okay, but don't eat so much because we're going to swim after this."
     “Okay, Then I'll order one salad and one blueberry shake. How about you Jaze honey?"
"I'll order one steak and potatoes and one tiramizu cake please."
"Okay, sir mam. It will take about 10 to 15 minutes.

    “Don't worry, Elsa, the food will be here in a jiff. Will you excuse me for a second.” Then he went to the kitchen and prepare the food that their going to eat.
I stand and watch him by the window and he is really passionate by his cooking and just standing there watching him. I realize I love him more now. But I can't get Jack of my mind. Don't think about it you're with the man who loves you and he will not leave your side no matter what. Just enjoy your time with him and don't think of anything else.
He saw me staring at him and he smiled at me. Then he went and serve the dish to me.
     “Elsa, sit down." he said and grab a chair for me to seat on.
     “Awe, thanks Jaze honey."
So I seated and push the chair and he seated right in front of me and smiled. He just started at me while I'm eating. Then I said.
     “Jaze, will you stop staring at me? It's making me uncomfortable?"
      “I can't your just so beautiful not be stared at. I smiled at him. Come on, eat your lunch."
So we ate our lunch and head back to the car.
     “Come on, Elsa, sweetie get in.
So I got in and he noticed my seatbelt wasn't on so he bend over to get the seatbelt and put it on me then he lock it to make sure it's secured then he went to drivers seat and started driving again it's a long drive. So I decided to take a nap.
      “Jaze, I'm going to take a nap."
      "Okay, sure sweetie I'll wake you up when we get there okay."
      “Okay." I said and slept.

Minutes later~
I woke up and I remembered I wasn't at home. Cause Jaze is with me.
     "Elsa, sweet your awake, come on we're here now. He said opened the car door for me so I can get out.

When I got out. I saw palm trees swaying the sound of the cool air and I saw white sand and clear water.
     "Come on Elsa," he said and held my hand.
We ran into the clear water it's so much fun to be with him. But I know this cannot last forever. While I was in my train of thought. Out of nowhere a volleyball hit me. Then I fell. Jaze rushed to me.
     "Elsa, are you okay?"
    "Hey! You guys should be careful next time."
     "Were sorry." They said.
    "Come on Elsa, lets go to our room so I can put an ice pack on your head.
     They went to the room and Jaze made me lie down. So I did. He gave me the ice pack and he slowly put it on my head.
     "Does it hurt sweetie."
     "No, it's cold. But it's alright."
He smiled do you want to go home tomorrow it's okay with me if you want to I won't stop you."
     "Jaze, no I want to be with you."
     "Okay. Sweetie.”he said as I hugged him. He pulled away and said.
    "Now get some rest. I'm sure you'll be better tomorrow  I'll see you in the morning my love."
   "Yeah, sure." He said and kissed me goodnight. Then he lay out his sleeping mat on the floor and he dozed off to sleep.

The day we had each other again (Book3) <Completed> ~Not Edited~Where stories live. Discover now