Chapter2- He cannot believe she is back

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In the morning.

Jack woke up from his bed and he still cannot believe that Elsa came back he still thinks it's only a dream. That she's here. He has to go check on her. So he climbs up and went to her door and knocked.
I heard someone knocking on my door. I ask. "Who is it."
     “It's me, Els, Jack can I come in?"
My mind is telling me not to open because I am here now and he might do something to me. I'm scared. My hands are shaking and my body is trembling in fear that he might do something to me. So I didn't open my door.
     "Elsa, please I want to see you."
     "No, if you want to say something say it there."
     “Elsa, I just want you to know that I still love you and I am sorry that I had left you before."
     “Okay, I already had forgiven you, and I accept your apology but I'm not ready to face you yet. Because it still hurts when I see your face." I said through the door.
     “What, you're not ready?"
     “Yes, not yet. Jack look I may have forgiven you but I can't love you anymore because I love Jaze now."
     “Then why are you here?"
     “To figure out if I still love you."
     “How are you going to find out if you keep on avoiding me?"
     “Look, I'm going to cause I know to myself that I still love you and I don't understand it. You didn't give a reason why you left. But why? Do I still love you but you don't even love me back then?"
     “Elsa, I love you."
     “Stop saying that you love it because you don't. But I do. If you love why did you cheat on me? And where were you when I needed you." I feel so overwhelmed saying and I began to cry out my feeling because it hurts up to now.
I whimper in tears. Now knowing that Jaze is not by side anymore. I began to cry my heart out. Because I've made the wrong decision being with Jack again because he had cheated on me right from the start and I got the video of him and a girl kissing each other and they started making love and he seems to be enjoying it so much to make the girl scream like that. That's so discussing to watch. When I watched that video I felt tears brimming in my eyes and I cried my heart out. It only feels your heart being ripped into tiny shreds and I cannot stop crying. I sobbed I wailed I weep in tears I brawled my eyes out. I finally remembered the memory of it and it hurts me so bad and I can't do anything about it. And then I was driving and got to a car accident just because of the awful video. Because of that car accident, I lost my memory of Jaze and me how we before. And I thought everything was okay between me Jack. But when I came back. The Jack I once knew was gone. He became cold to me and I never knew why. Then I slowly realize the man that I love was gone. When the day came that he wanted to break up with me and there's nothing I can do because he wanted it. And it happened we broke up. I was hurting I fell into internal sadness and depression. I want to get angry but it's all useless now because it's all in the past. How I wish I didn't meet him. Cause he never showed me the affection of how much he loves me. He may show it sometimes but not as often as I want him to show it. Then I can feel he's a slight change of mode. Then I can hear a voice through the other side of the door.

     “Elsa? Are you alright in there?" he asked.
     “Yeah, just leave me alone for a while Jack."
He sighed. "Okay, I'm going down he said went down. When he went down he saw Emma and her friend reading a piece of paper and he got curious and ask.
     “Emma, what's that your reading?"
     “Nothing," she said put the letter in her pocket. “Come on, Becka lets go to my room," Emma said.
     “Okay," she said following her to her room.
Jack was left alone. So he decided to go to the mall. He got dressed and took his car and went out and he got in and started driving he was headed to the mall when suddenly a car crash into his car and he was okay because he got his seatbelt on. He got down and walk towards the car and he saw a girl unconscious he quickly took her and put her behind his back then he took her into his car and they headed for the hospital when Jack got he carried them all the way to the ER and she was checked by the doctors there.

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