Chapter7- I love him and I still love you

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Jaze allowed me to be with Jack again to clear out my thoughts and figure out if I love him. But how can I do that when he's not the one I'm thinking of and my love for him faded away when he left me. But I still cannot over him. Now that I'm in his house how will I figure this out if I don't want to see him because whenever I see him I'm reminded that he left me and he fooled me. But I must bear him because if not I'm not going to figure this out. I sighed. Huh, why am I so complicated. I said walking around the room. Am I going crazy? I don't know anymore. What the hell. Am I really going crazy? I love Jaze, I do but I also love Jack, until now. I don't understand why I love him and cannot forget him no matter how I tried. I sit on my bed. Thinking what should I do with this predicament, I wish my brother Elson was here. If he was here he knows what to do with this kind of predicament and my twin sister Elsie I wonder how is she? Maybe she's fine and well and I know Elson, he'll proctect Elsie. I wonder how they were doing. Then there was a knock on the door.
     "Who is it?"
     "It's me Els, I brought you some tea may I come in."
I opened the door to let her in.
She came in and she put the tea tray on the table and sat on the chair. I sat in front of her.
     “Elsa, how are you?"
I'm sad without him by my side. I felt dejected and unwell lately. Because I  miss him so much even though I seen him for just a day I am so happy and excited to be in his arms because he's the one who gave me a lot of love and I'm so happy receiving it from him and I also cannot deny that I still love Jack until now. But what should I do? I cannot love them both at the same time. Huh, am I nuts or I maybe going crazy?"
     “Elsa," Emma called me.
I heard her calling me. So I snapped out of my thoughts saying.
     “Huh," I said and look at her.
     “Elsa, are you okay?"
     “Yeah I said feeling a bit down."
     “What's wrong Elsa?"
     “I miss him so much." I said and stared tearing up.
     “I know Els, I know what your feeling."
      "I felt miserable leaving him. Because he's the one who thought me how to love again."
       "Elsa, it's alright, it's alright you'll come to him soon."
I cried so much as if my heart has been shattering into little bits and pieces of glass.
Emma saw me crying and gave me a hug to calm me down. But it seems I can't stop crying.
       “Elsa, please stop crying."she said and patted my back."
       “Elsa, do you want me to call Jack and you two can talk."
       “Okay, sure, but just a for a while okay."
        “Alright." she said and went to her brother room.
She knock on the door.     
      “Jack? Are you in there?"
      "Yeah, why?"
     “May I come in?"
     “Yeah, alright,"
She went in and saw his brother's was a mess.
      “Jack what happened here?"
      “I made a mess, I'm sorry, I'll clean it up later."
      “Jack are you okay?"
      “No, I'm not."
      “Why? Is it Elsa?"
      “Yes, how will I show her that I love her if she won't let me."
      “Jack, show it to her that you love her."
      “Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, how? You don't know how? Give her flowers and chocolates, do that every single day while she's still here. Because this is your last chance to prove yourself to her that you love her and say you'll never leave her when she agreed to come back to you. Actually she's just waiting for you to make a move. She wants to see if you can truly love her with all your heart. But how will you do that, if you been stuck in your room just thinking you'll have her back. You think she'll come running to you if you continue to act this by making no moves at all to please her. Huh, how will she love someone like you if your going to continue acting this way. Jack make your move now while she's still here she on the first day that I saw her she said: This is just temporary she wants to know if you love her that's she came here because she loves you. But knowing it's just temporary she won't stay for long. Once she cleared out her thoughts she leave and never come back. So Jack make the most of it. Don't just lie around and do nothing because you'll regret it. Remember the time you broke up with her. She was hurt, wounded, confused and sad. Because you left her without a clear explanation why you left. Now she's here. You should please her begging her to stay that's what you want isn't it to be with her and love her. But how can you prove yourself to her that you love her if you do not do anything about it. Jack listen you don't want to lose her right?"
      “Yes, I don't want to lose her."
     “Then show her you like the way you used to before. Then maybe just maybe she'll stay."
      “Okay, I'll try."
      “And Jack, love her more than yourself.
      “Okay, I'll try."
     “You should because there's no more time left to lose."
      “Okay, but what am I to say to her?"
      “Are you dumb? I just told you what to say."
     "Emms, I cannot do it."
      “You must do it Jack I thought you love her and you want her back?"
     “I love her, alright but how will I make it up to her I screwed up so bad."he said.
     “Jack, get to your senses and say you still love her beg on your knees if you need to and show her that you love her truly within your heart."
      “Okay, I'll try. Your going out now?"
      “Okay, good luck, hope it ends well." she going back to her room.
Jack went outside and bought Elsa some roses to make it up to her. While he was walking he came across a coffee shop. He stopped by to buy some coffee and the waitress came near him.
          “Can I get your order sir.”
     "I'll have two iced lattes please."
     "Okay sir coming right up."
     "Here's your order that will be 10 dollars please.
     "But I only have 7 dollars he said.
     "Okay, I'll accept it if you kiss me. The waitress said and wink at him.
He was tempted he doesn't know what to do.
     "Jack don't do it. Because if you do you won't have Elsa back anymore." His inner voice said.
     "No thank you. He said and left.
     "Jack you made the right decision this time. He said and went home and there he saw Elsa, sitting on the couch just fiddling the hearts on her bracelet. He hid the roses. He went in.
     "Elsa." he called.
     "What is it Jack?"
He then showed the flowers behind his back.
     "Elsa, this is for you. He said and gave the flowers to me.
     "Um, okay thanks." I said a little awkward.
     “So Elsa, he said and seated beside her. How are you.”
     “I'm fine. I just miss Jaze.”
     “Why, do you miss him?”
     “Because he loves me and I love him.”
     “Oh, I see.” he said and nodded.
     “Jack, well how about you how's your life going without me.”
     “It's fine at first but I'm not fine when I finally realized I loved you.”
     “Did you really? Loved me or you only used me?”
     “Elsa, I never only used you. I loved you but I realized lately I wasn't the one for you because I cheated on you with Mindy but she and I are nothing more than strangers now. Please believe me.”
     “I believe you Jack, at least my heart believes you because my heart is crazy about you but my mind doesn't believe you because my mind does know you and my mind doesn't trust you.”
     “What can I do make you change your mind.
     “Well, there's something.”
     “What is it?”
     “Give me some space. and I mean it were just too close to each other.”
     “Oh, sorry he said and move further away from me.”
     “Whatever I'm going to my room.” I said as I went upstairs and closed the door.

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