7: Monsters and Moments

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My eyes widened at the hand around my mouth. My arms were restrained behind my back and I was at the mercy of whoever was holding me. 

"Have you been looking for me, love?" Peter asked her.

He removed the hand from my mouth and I shoved him away from me, "Not particularly."

"Then I see you were trying to find a way off of the island," Peter tsk, "Didn't I already tell you? No one leaves without my permission."

I rolled my eyes. This was starting to become tedious. I decided to change the topic of conversation, "What are you doing here?"

"Believe it or not, I just came out to enjoy the view," Peter placed his hands casually in his pockets, "You can sit beside me if you so like."

My eyes glanced at the trees in case this was a trap. Hesitantly, I took a seat beside him. I allowed my legs to dangle over the cliff face. The night sky was speckled with stars and the moonlight reflected off the crystal waters. 

"Why am I here on Neverland?" I found myself asking him. 

Peter faced me, his green eyes filled with amusement, "The game would not be as fun when you get all the answers."

"So you are saying that you are the one with answers," I narrowed my eyes at him. 

"I do have answers..." Peter smirked, "For a price of course."

I turn my head to the side, "Perhaps I have better luck figuring them out on my own."

"Let me tell you a story," Peter said, looking out into the night sky, "There once was a girl on Neverland who stole the hearts of many. She was kind, selfless and true..."

"You speak of Wendy Darling?"

"Never utter that vile name," Peter hissed. 

"Why?" I asked in a challenging tone, "Does it scare you?"

Peter's hand gripped my chin as his green eyes looked at my own, "Under that exterior, the girl was nothing more than a witch. She charmed the minds of the innocent and fled. I've been searching for her everyday awaiting my revenge and that day has come."

The Lost Boy looked at the ground, "And yet, that would put the game we play to its bitter end and I can't let it end when the real fun is about to begin."

Before I could open my mouth again, I heard the snapping of the twigs in the forest behind us. We stood on guard and Peter pulled out his dagger. Glowing eyes stared back at us and a loud roar could be heard in front of us. A beast with giant, sharp horns and golden slit eyes revealed itself. Its monstrous body and sharp claws ready to kill. It shook its mane and its eyes alternated between Peter and myself. 

"A never beast," Peter whispered, "One of the many dangers lurking the jungle. Many of my boys have fallen to them. We're going to have to work together if either of us hopes to live to morning."

I grit my teeth as it pounces. I rolled to the side and unsheathed my dagger. Peter moves with quick precision towards the beast which dodges and swings its tail. Peter stepped out of its reach and I took the opportunity to attack from behind.

"Jess wait!" Peter warns.

The beast whips around and raises an arm swatting my body to the ground. Its sharp claws slashed across my body and I stared at its golden eyes. The scent of my blood filled the air as it stalked towards me. It let out a low growl and opened it mouth. I saw it sharp canines and a hint of fear flickered in my eyes as I imagined the teeth sinking into my body effortlessly. 

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