13: A Flirt and a Coward

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I let out a gasping breath as I let the water out of my lungs. I was trembling and slowly brought my head down and glanced downward to see the creature's blood staining my leg as if it were my own. The creature had sank beneath the water tainting it to a bloody red.

Peter continued to stare at me with a look of concern.

"Jessica," He let out relieved as I tried to breath.

He then turned his head towards Baelfire who kept his hands in his pocket. He didn't meet my eyes and gave off an aura of shame. Behind him were Devin and Felix.

The rest of the Lost Boys stood guard against any other threats. Weapons were drawn and many of the boys shot warning glances towards Baelfire.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't just kill your miserable, lousy, pathetic life right now," Peter said in a threatening tone.

Baelfire shifted in his spot unsure. I was able to see the fear in Bae's eyes and I could also see that Peter himself was contemplating whether or not to kill him.

"P-P-Peter, please don't kill him," I say in a hoarse voice.

Peter looks down to me in disbelief.

"Did he not just almost killed you?"

He was correct to a degree. Thanks to Baelfire, I did almost die.

"It still isn't right," I say regaining my voice.

"Take Baelfire away," Peter ordered with an authoritative tone.

He meant business.

I watched helplessly as Baelfire was taken away with Felix and the other boys. Like Tinker Bell, I couldn't do anything. I was too weak.

As of now I was still in Peter's arms. His strong arms holding me steadily, rocking me like I was a baby.

"Jessica, don't do that ever again," Peter said finally.

His tone sounded relieved and strained, as if it was hard to utter those words. The raw emotion was there and there were sparks as he made contact with me.

A few minutes passed until Peter broke the atmosphere.

"You know," Peter smirked, "I did just save your life yet again. What kind of reward should I get for my noble deed?"

"You? Noble," I scoffed, "Don't make me laugh. How did you know where we'd be?"

Peter placed me on the ground, "Don't you know, my Lost Girl. I know every inch of this island and its inhabitants. There isn't anything that goes on without my knowledge."

I rolled my eyes and decided to suck up my pride, "Whatever... Thanks... Wait, what are you doing?!"

I widened my eyes as he was taking off his shirt. I instantly pushed myself away from him with my feet kicking out.

"Oh heck no!" I said disgusted.

Peter looked at me lost for words before laughing.

"Very funny Lost Girl. Hate to break it to you, but you're not my type. Feel free to swoon over me and my good looks. I'm very used to it."

"By who the Lost Boys," I say laughing even more.

Peter was fuming and I turned my attention to the shirt. It was his. I looked at him realizing that he was shirtless. His abs were there and he looked like a god. I broke my gawking and simply asked, "What is this for?"

"Isn't it obvious? It's for you. Change out of your wet and blood stained clothes and put this on."

I stared at the shirt.

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