1: Aboard the Jolly Roger

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I wake up to see myself in a small cabin on a ship. I jolted awake at the sight and was unsure of how to react. How did I get here? What happened to me? Panic started to take over my body as my anxiety settled in. I had to find out what happened. I got out of bed and opened the door to get outside. I didn't know what I would see though. The bright light had blinded me.

When I could finally open my eyes, I saw water in the distance. My eyes widened at the sight of it. I approached the edge and realized I wasn't just seeing water, I was floating on it. The ship rocked back and forth on the tides. My head turns away from the water towards the ship itself. Below me, I saw the captain's wheel with a person standing there. I gulped lightly and watched as the other people were in front of him. Each person seemed to be drinking something and it looked like beer. Others were sparring with swords. Their cheers were loud as they shouted one word. Fight!

"Well, what do we have here?" A voice questioned me and I whipped around violently to face the person or should I say duo. The man who said that was dressed in black leather. His hair was jet black and so was his beard. His eyes were a cold blue and he smirked wickedly. The other person looked like his assistant.

"You managed to find your way out. Who knew a lass like you could manage to do that," the black haired man told me and I got defensive. "Who are you and what do you want?" I gave him a nasty glare and he laughed "No need to shoot daggers at me. But I guess you should know who I am."

He did a mock bow, "Ahoy, Lass and welcome aboard the Jolly Roger. Name's Captain Hook and my cohort William Smee."

I continued to glare at them trying to hide the shock. Captain Hook was nothing but a character from Peter Pan. He couldn't be real. This just had to be a very elaborate dream.

My eyes gaze at the ship and finally notice the flag. It was black and showed a skull and crossbones. I gulped and everything I saw clicked in my mind. I wasn't just on any ship, I was on a pirate ship. 

"Enjoy the ship Lass because you're going to be here for a long time," Hook told me and walked away with Smee trailing behind him.

I was left on the ship and had nowhere to go. I stepped down the steps and approached the crowd of pirates. They noticed me and made a path as I walked through. I tried not to notice their stares and smirks. I finally saw two pirates fighting each other with swords. One fighter had managed to knock the sword from the other's hand and held the sword in front of the pirate. 

The dominant one said "I've bested you lad," The crowd cheered and I felt myself get pushed into the circle.

"Ah a new challenger. Would you like me to go easy on you, lassie?" The pirate commented and another pirate commented, "Who knows Finn. Hook's told me that this one's feisty." 

All the men laughed and one handed me a sword.

"Your turn lass, time to see what you're all about" I grabbed the sword unprepared to fight. 

Luckily for me, I was an amazing fencer. I readied myself and a wicked grin appeared on my face. 

"Bring it," I told Finn and the pirates cheered.

If this was a dream, then I won't be hurt.

"You sure you don't want me to go easy on you lassie?" Finn taunted me and attacked, but I managed to defend myself. "Not likely."

I pounced and he stumbled back. Our swords clashed with each other. I staggered back and he swung his sword. Before it could make contact with me, I swung my sword in the way and he tried to press down and bring me to the ground. I gritted my teeth and pushed back with all my might. Finn stumbled back and looked up at me. I played around with the sword and made some swift moves. Within the next minute, I unhanded him and had him at sword point. All the pirates roared and cheered. I stepped back and hear that same voice. "That was quite a show you put on lass."

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