3: Prisoner to Prison Chase

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I had my poisonous dagger out and ready to attack. We had a stare off and no one was going to be the first to break it.

The boy who seemed to be their leader stepped forward. He had shaggy blond hair and a scar on his face. He held a club over his shoulder and his eyes held nothing but cruelty. He motioned to his cohorts to draw their arrows. They drew back their arrows and Tink leaned into me and whispered "They're tipped with Dreamshade. Be careful." 

I nodded my head to her as the Lost Boy spoke. 

"What do we have here?" He asked and another one answered, 

"Looks like we might have found the person we were looking for." 

A third Lost Boy said softly, "Could she really be the one he sent us to look for after the Shadow dropped her?" 

The head Lost Boy silenced the group and he pulled out a scroll. He examined it and looked at me. 

"It's the one. Get them." The Lost Boys began to close in.

Tink braced herself for battle and so did I. The head Lost Boy signalled the group to draw back their arrows at me. 

Tink whispered to me "It's no use Jessica. They don't only outnumber us, they also have us in a life threatening situation. The best thing we can do is play prisoner and find a way to escape." 

I frowned at Tink muttering "If that is what we have to do." 

I sighed and put my dagger back in my belt as Tink did the same. Together, we we raised our hands up in surrender.

They lowered their bow and as they approached, I mustered the courage to disarm some of the Lost Boys. The others froze at me and the leader smirked, "I guess you chose the hard way."

He swung his club around and approached cautiously. He kept his cocky grin, "He said that you'd be a fighter. All the more satisfying to stand over you in defeat."

He foot made contact with my stomach and I felt my body roll across the ground. I coughed and gasped for air. The blonde stalked closer. Tinker Bell stood in front of me, "Stay back, Lost Boy."

"Tinker Bell," the boy mused, "I thought that we were closer than that. Why the cold tone?"

"Things have changed, Felix. I no longer work for him," Tinker Bell glared, "What does he even want with her?"

"What he wants is none of your business," Felix snapped at the fairy, "All you need to know is that fighting will be futile."

Tinker Bell and I were surrounded by Lost Boys who were armed to the teeth. I felt the tip of a spear poke my back. I reacted and felt my fist get caught. Felix was behind me, "Get moving."

He pushed me forward and I took a look at my surroundings. All I could see was jungle with no chances to escape. My attention turned to two Lost Boys up ahead of me who were speaking in hushed voices. 

"What does he want with her anyways?" The first boy muttered to the other.

"Beats me. Maybe he wants to recruit her into the Lost Boys," The second proposed.

"Has there ever been a Lost Girl?"

"I've only heard legends of a girl long ago. I don't know what happened to her. The older boy never told me. I heard this one beat Finn, though. She even managed to overpower some of us."

"Shut up and keep walking," Felix ordered the two boys.

Their breath hitched as they fell silent. I couldn't hold back my snort, "Some leader you are. A little kindness goes a long way, don't you know."

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