5: Lies and Games

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Jack was the enemy. He lied to me. He rose to his feet and stood beside Felix, "Jessica, I must say you are quite daring."

"You lied to me," I say enraged. 

"You let your guard down," Peter smirked, "That made this game so easy."

He frowned slightly, "Though I must say that I was not expecting you to push me off a cliff or resuscitating me. Thank you for that, love."

I raised my arm to stab him with my dagger when he caught my wrist. I gritted my teeth as he was revealing his true strength.

"You really think that you can defeat me? I'm the ruler of the island. Only I have a say on who leaves and who comes." 

The force on my wrist grew painful and I was forced to release the dagger. Now weaponless, I was at his mercy. I bodychecked his body away from me. The demon just smiled. The Lost Boys took a step closer when Peter raised a hand to them. 

"But Pan-" Felix begins to argue.

"Where's your sense of adventure, Felix?" Peter asked his second in command, "I want to see more of this spitfire before I get bored."

The Lost Boys stepped back as I clenched my fists. I would show him that I wasn't a weakling. He causally moved his hands out to his side, "You've got fire, I like fire. Why don't you show me more of your spitfire attitude?"

I refused to move from my position knowing that was what he wanted. He smirked at that, "Aren't you going to make a move, love? What happened to your fiery rage?"

I knew my face was turning red with each of his taunts. Talk about a rock in a hard place, I thought to myself. I felt strands of my hair blow past me and reacted my body lose feeling as a hand struck the back of my neck. I fell into the devil's arms and I could feel Pan's smirk on me. 

"Love," he whispered in my ear, "I'm the one in charge."

He spoke again to his Lost Boys, but his voice grew to faint to decipher any words as I surrendered to the darkness. 

"Wake up," a distant voice called out, "Are you okay? Can you open your eyes?"

I opened and was blinded by the lights. When the light receded, I found myself to be lying in a hospital bed. A blonde woman with hazel eyes was looking back at her with concern. It was a foreign feeling. 

My head turned to the side, "Where am I?"

"You're at the hospital," the woman answered, "In Storybrooke, Maine."

"Storybrooke?" I say quietly to myself. 

"One of the crew members of a passing ship from London found you floating just off the harbour from here. You are lucky to be alive."

I sat up in the bed, "The last thing I remember was being in London."

The blonde's eyes widened in disbelief, "That is quite the journey you must have had. Your parents must be worried about you."

For some reason, her words struck me as odd. My heart hurt at the thought and a frown appeared on my face as I turned my head to the side bitterly, "No one is worried for me. I'm an orphan."

The blonde's eyes softened at my words as I rendered her speechless. A raven haired woman entered the hospital room followed by a little boy. I felt like cowering in her presence. This lady had some sort of power to her and her influence could be felt throughout the entire hospital. 

"Ms. Swan," the black haired woman entered the hospital room with a boy behind her. 

The boy looked at me with big and curious eyes. He had short brown hair and a friendly face. 

Before Pan (OUAT fanfiction) (Being remastered)Where stories live. Discover now