Trapped x Escape x Free

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Titania's POV

It has been nine years from when the Tsuwabuki estate had been attacked and burned down. And every second since then I've spent enslaved by two crooks. I'm sixteen now, and each day has been the same since it began. I would wake up spend the whole day doing chores, and go to bed. That was all I did. During the first mouth of my confinement. I kept on trying to find a way out. But all of my attempts failed. Each time it did, they would beat me horribly for trying to leave.

During this period of nine years. I was able to read the nen book I had. Those two were fools for not taking it away. I founded out that I was able to us nen, and I fell under the category of manipulator. Most days before going to sleep, I would secretly practice my nen. Getting better and better everyday. As soon as I'm strong effort. I will escape from this prison. And then I will become a Blacklist Hunter. I will have my revenge. I will hunt down every member of the Phantom Troupe and bring them to justice.

3rd person POV

Today was another normal day. As always Titania woke up and headed upstairs to do her chores. Titania was completely covered in dirt, had greasy hair, and wore nothing but rages. At around eleven, Hisashi and Tsuyoshi left to go drinking. It was strange, normally when they went drinking they wouldn't leave until six at the earliest.

After they left Titania continued doing her chores. After an hour had pasted, Titania suddenly realized that the front door was unlocked. Not only that, it was wide open. "This is it!" She yelled and she ran straight for the door.

The light of day blinded Titania for a moment or two. After nine years of being in that cold and dark room. The warm light of the sun felt so good, and had quite a shock on Titania. After her moment of sun bathing, Titania started running again. She didn't know where to go but anywhere was better than there. Then out of nowhere, Titania ran into a police officer. "Are you alright, what's the rush?"

"Please you have to help, you can't let them find me!"

"Who's 'them'?"

"The two men holding me hostage, I escaped as soon as I could." Then suddenly Titania and the officer both heard some people yelling. Only Titania knew who those voices belong to. They were Hisashi and Tsuyoshi's. And before they knew it, Hisashi and Tsuyoshi were within ten feet of them. And very soon the police officer arrested Hisashi and Tsuyoshi for kidnapping and child abuse.

"See, the nice officer helped made the bad people go away, So, is there any place that you wanted me to take you?"

"Yes, can you take me to the top of that hill." Said Titania as she pointed to the hill that once had the Tsuwabuki estate on top.

"You want to go up there?"


"Alright then." Then the police officer took Titania all the way up the hill.

Titania's POV

When we were at the top of the hill. I got out of the car, only to see that there was nothing left of the Tsuwabuki estate but a big pile of ashes. I felt a heavy weight in my chest. As I walked through the ashes, I clearly remember which room I was in. Then I remembered that there was something that I needed to dig up.

So I went to the spot, and I started digging. "Hey what are you doing." The officer asked. But I ignored him as I dug. Then I finally hit something, so I pulled it out of the hole to find the time capsule that me and James buried years ago.

As I opened it, I saw that there was only four things put inside. James MP3 player with headphones, my stuffed bunny crystal, a little bit of money, and the Tsuwabuki butterfly pendant. "Hey girl, who are you anyway?" The police officer asked as I put on the pendant.

"My name is Titania Tsuwabuki. And I'm the only one that survived form this monstrosity."

"So, what are you gonna do?"

"I'm going to become a Hunter, and have my revenge."

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