Choose x a x Candle

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Titania's POV 

"Now, then... As you can see, I am not tough. I don't really enjoy fistfights or other physical activities, such as running and jump." Said the weak looking prisoner.Geez... If that's the case. What did go to prison for, being the laziest guy in the world? 

"I do. But I'm not too good at using my head." Said Gon. 

"As I thought. So I came up with a simple game we could both play." 

"A game?" 

"Yes. It doesn't rely on either mental or physical activity." 

"What kind of game?" 

The weak prisoner pulled out two candles form his pocket. "We each light a candle at the same time. The one whose candle goes out first is the loser. What do you think?" 

"Yeah! That's easy to understand. Let's go with that." 

"Okay. In that case..." The weak prisoner showed that the two candles where two different sizes. "...decide which candle you want to use. Press O for the long one, or X for the short one. This well be determined by majority rule." 

"We have to choose one? This is a trap! Normally, you'd choose the long one, so he must have done something to the long one!" Said Leorio. 

"That would be the safe assumption. But it might be a trick, and he's actually tampered with the short one." Said Kurapika. 

"When you put it like that..." 

"Yes, there is no end..." 

"You've got a real dilemma there." Said Tonpa. 

"You keep your mouth shut!" Leorio yelled. 

"Yeah, yeah." 

"When presented with a clearly uneven choice, people become suspicious and hesitate before deciding. Yes, this is a real dilemma. What's worse, if you make the wrong choice, the resulting mental anguish would be much greater than if the problem had offered to fair options." Kurapika explained. 

"Take your time. This may be a majority decision, but you're free to discuss it. We have plenty of time." Said the weak prisoner. 

"Hey, which one should I choose?" Asked Gon. 

"Damn... Which one should we take?" Asked Leorio. 

That moment when I looked that the prisoner's face, a feeling came to me. He looked so sure that he was going to win. Not because he knew what we would be thinking. But like he was gonna win no matter what happens. That's when I thought of something. What if both of them have been messed up? 

"Gon, you decide! We'll abide by your decision. Choose the one you think is best." Said Kurapika. 

"Are you sure about this? He never thinks anything through." Said Killua. 

"Instead of wasting time fretting over what to do, let's rely on Gon's instincts." 

"Instincts, huh..." 

"Let's hope Gon has good intuition." I said. 

"I get to choose? Okay! Then I choose the long one!" 

"You want the long candle?" Asked the prisoner. 

"Because the longer candle will burn a longer time!" 

"He's just taking it at face value?" Asked Leorio. 

"I knew he wouldn't think this through." Said Killua. 

"Well, that's that." Said Kurapika. 

"What's done is done." I said as I pressed the O button on my stopwatch. 

"It's not like we can figure out which one is the trap." Said Leorio. The results showed six O, zero X. 

"Okay. You get the long one. I'll take the short one." Said the prisoner as he threw Gon the long candle, and they both walked up to a fire. "Now, we light our candles together." Then they lit their candles. 

"Normally, how long would  it take that candle to burn down?" Asked Killua. 

"Five to six hours?" Said Kurapika. 

"Yeah." I said. Then a draft came in the room and it almost blow out Gon's candle. 

"Whoa... That was close." Said Gon. 

"A strong wind is coming from below. That means we should watch our step... No time to relax, huh..." Said Leorio. 

"If you don't pay attention, your candle will go out." Said the prisoner. 

"That's because you're planning to do something bad. Otherwise, your candle would go out first." Said Gon. 

"I won't do anything. After all... I've already taken steps." Then suddenly the flame on Gon's candle got a lot bigger. "See?" 

"Hey! Look at Gon's candle! The flame suddenly became stronger!" Said Leorio. 

"He must have hidden gunpowder or some other highly flammable substance inside, to make the candle burn faster." Said Kurapika. 

"What, no way?!" I said. 

"At this rate, his candle will only last another two or three minutes." 

"Damn! Hey! That was dirty! I knew you tampered with the long candle!" Leorio yelled. 

Then a smile came to Gon's face. "If the fire is stronger, then a little breeze won't extinguish it." Said Gon as he put his candle down on the floor. Then he ran up to the prisoner, and blow out his candle. "I win!" 

"Yes!" Said Leorio. 

"Awesome! Way to spring into action, Gon!" I cheered. 

"Yay! I won!" 

"Good job, Gon! Now we have a win! Once Kurapika, Titania, and I win, we can advance!" Said Leorio. Then another prisoner came up to the middle platform as the other went back. 

"All right. I'll go next." Said Kurapika. When Kurapika came up onto the middle platform, the prisoner took off his cloak. Oh my god! 

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