Blast x from the x Past

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Titania's POV

"So, who's going to be facing me?" Asked the prisoner.

"I will." I said.

"Titania, are sure?" Kurapika asked. I could see that under that clam face of his, he was very concerned whether if it was a good idea or not. "You can always do the next round." He placed his hand on my hand on my shoulder, but I brushed it off.

"No, I want to go. I want to fight him." I didn't mention the fact that this prisoner's voice sounded familiar to me. Because it might have effort what he would say next.

"Okay, but kept your guard up. You never know what could happen." I nodded, and started walking to the middle platform.

"Good luck, Titania!" Gon cheered.

"Show that creep what you're made of!" Leorio yelled. I looked back at them and smiled. I really am the most luckiest girl in the world to have great friends like them. Don't worry you guys, I'll bet this guy and we'll pass this phase.

Tonpa's POV

Everyone's eyes were focused on Titania as she slowly walked to the middle platform, but not mine. I don't matter to me. All I want is to see her little smile crack. Then I noticed something sticking out of Titania's bag. It was a white stuff rabbit in a top hat. I remember that old toy. That's the stuffed animal she was sleeping with on the airship. If she needs it to help her sleep, then... I took the old stuffed rabbit, and placed it in my bag. Good luck getting any sleep Titania.

Third Person POV

Titania walked up to the middle platform to face her opponent. To her surprised, he started laughing. "What's so funny?" She asked with a determined expression.

"It's nothing. I'm trying to decide whether it was a good idea or not, for them to spend you to me." Said the prisoner. He then took off his cloak to show his face.

Titania looked shocked to see who was under it. "Hisashi?!"

"Does she know him?" Gon asked curious.

"I guess she does, since she just said his name." Said Kurapika, he started to show his concern.

"So what does this mean? I mean, who is he to her?" Leorio asked.

"I don't know, but one things for sure. Judging on the look on her face, I doubt he was her play buddy." Said Killua.

"It's good to see you again so soon, t. Or should I call you by your proper name, Titania?" Said Hisashi. Titania's shocked face turned into anger. "Mind I say that you've certainly have changed. It's sad that you've cut your hair, but you do look better now that you're not in rags and covered in ash."

"I get it now." Leorio said with understanding.

"Yeah, he must be the man who enslave Titania for nine years." Kurapika said with a disgusted look on his face.

"You really think?" Gon asked.

"Then I really don't want to be him right now." Said Killua. Gon looked that Killua completely puzzled. Unsure what he meant by that.

"What's wrong, to scared to speak?" Hisashi asked.

"No, not all at." Titania said as she fully relaxed herself. "Name your terms, I'll agree with them entirely."

"In that case, how about a death match? You are of no further value to me; I'd lost interest for you, when you turned me in. So I might as well finally get rid of you."

Everyone on Titania's platform was surprised to hear that. "How dare he! He's saying that like Titania's nothing more a tool, and not a person!" Leorio yelled. Kurapika just stood completely silent. But his eyes were on the verge of turning scarlet, clearly he was just as mad as Leorio.

"Titania, I hope you know what you're doing." Gon said worried.

Titania still kept the clam expression she had. "All right I accept! In fact, I'm going to enjoy this." Said Titania. Then she took off her baby pink peasant blouse, she was wearing a black tank top underneath it. She was now ready to fight.

"All right then, let's fight!" Hisashi yelled, then the fight began.

Every time one threw a attack, the other would dodge it. Hisashi looked like he was fighting at his hardest. But Titania, she kept her cool. After a few minutes of dodging game. One of them finally landed an attack. The one who threw the punch was Hisashi, and it was straight to Titania's face. She flew all the way to the edge of the platform, landing on her back. Everyone was shocked to see that she got hit. She got up and noticed that she was bleeding from that punch.

"Are you alright, Titania?" Gon asked concerned.

"Yes, but that punch really pissed me off. Time to get serious!" Then she pulled out her weapon, but only the pole of the scythe. Hisashi suddenly got scared seeing that she had a weapon on her. "You didn't say no weapons."

Titania ran straight for Hisashi again. He was terrified. Every time Hisashi tried a attack. Titania would dodge it and return the attack with either her fist, feet, of pole. She'd been keeping her clam face; but inside, she was itching to kill him. And yet, she was still holding back. Soon she decide that she had fought with him long enough, and that it was time to finish him off. She revealed the blade of her scythe, she was about to cut him straight in half; but immediately stopped as soon as she heard him scream... "I surrender!"

When she stopped, the blade of her scythe was only an inch away from him. "What did you just say?"

"I surrender, you win. J-Just please don't kill me!"

Titania's POV

Hisashi was on his knees, begging me to spare him. That's when it occur to me. He's pathetic. He was, still is, and always will be a coward. A pity criminal like him doesn't deserve death. "You're pathetic, just like I always thought." I said as I retracted my scythe and turned away from him. I was about to go back to my friends, when Hisashi stopped me.

"Wait, there's something that you need to know."

I turned to face him. "What is it?" Then he went towards my ear to whisper what he had to say.

"You know that day, the day when you escaped. I originally was planning to... How shall I put this? I guess you could say I was planning to have a little fun with you. Just like your friend did on the last round." I was completely terrified to hear that.He was planning to do that... with me? I put my hands on shoulders as I started to shake. "You should see your face, it's really quite funny. But look on the bright side, you can still say you're a virgin."

He then returned to his platform as I put my peasant blouse back on, and went to mine. I was still completely terrified, I shook faster every second. As I walked to walked to my platform, all my friends had a concerned look on their faces; especially Kurapika. I sat down and closed myself up in a shell.

"Titania, what did he say to you?" Asked a voice. I lifted my head to see who was asking. It was Kurapika, kneeling down right in front of me. I wasn't sure whether I should tell him or not. But all of my doubts faded away when he said... "You can tell me, you can tell me anything."

I noticed that I was about it cry, but I couldn't hold back the tears. Kurapika wiped away the tears in my eyes. "He said, that on the day I had escaped. He originally had plans to... have... a-a little fun with me." Kurapika looked extremely shocked. I closed myself up again and continued to cry. Kurapika sat down next to me, put his arm around me, and pulled me towards him. Kurapika's sitting next to me, comforting me. It feels so nice. I stopped crying, knowing everything was going to be okay.

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