Kurapika x VS x Spider?

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Titania's POV 

When Kurapika came up onto the middle platform, the prisoner took off his cloak. Oh my god! This guy's so ugly. He was a blue tough and ugly looking guy. No, more like a monster. "Next is my turn!" Said the blue monster. 

"That's one freaky body..." Said Leorio. 

"And face..." Said Killua. 

"Look here!" Said the blue monster, pointing at his chest where there were heart tattoos. "I've killed nineteen people, but it bugs me at nineteen is such as uneven number. I'm so glad I've gotten to meet number twenty." 

"Now we have a serial killer." Leorio asked worried. No, this monster doesn't  seem like the type that would kill. Sure he looks tough, but I know that deep inside he's very weak. 

"I insist that we put our lives on the line. I won't  accept some half- butted contest. Blood! Entrails! Agony!" Said the blue monster, then started laughing. 

"Very well. You can decide how we settle this contest. I'll agree to your choice." Said Kurapika. 

"Oh... You've got balls. In that case, I also propose a death match, where we fight until one of us surrenders or dies. However, don't expect me to stop when you surrender and beg for your life!" The blue monster started laughing again. 

"Very well. I accept." Then Kurapika took off his tabard. "Let us begin." 

"Hold on! I forgot to mention something. No weapons allowed. We'll beat each other to death with our fists. After all while I may be hired as an examiner, I'm still a prisoner. I'm not allowed to carry weapons." He had a tensed look on his face. He was probably trying to bluff his way into winning. But Kurapika, this  whole time, kept a calm face. 

"I see. I understand." Then Kurapika took out his twin swords, and threw them to his tabard. "Anything else? If not, I'd like to get started." 

"Hey now! Is Kurapika gonna be okay? This guy looks dangerous." Said Leorio. 

"You don't need to worry." Said Gon. 

"Why not?" 

"Because when I look at him, I don't get chills." 

"What does that mean?" 

"He may look tough physically. But mentally, he's weak. He's bluffing, and I'm sure that Kurapika knows that too." I said. 

"Time to show you the ace up my sleeve! I'll  see you dead!" The blue monster yelled. Then he jumped high into the air. 

"Here he comes!" Said Leorio. Then the blue monster punched the floor. Kurapika was able to dodge the attack. 

"Wow..." Said Tonpa. 

"He made a hole in the floor with his bare fist." Said Leorio. 

Then the blue monster got up and turned a rounded. On his back was a tattoo of a spider with twelve legs. That spider! Then I remembered the Phantom Troupe tattoo. Wait, that's not the real thing, it's a fake. I got really mad, thinking about the Phantom Troupe. How dare he try to use a trick like that! But wait, does Kurapika know it's fake. 

"A tattoo of a spider with twelve legs... That's..." Said Leorio. 

"Yeah, I recognize it. Anyone aspiring to become a Hunter has heard of it. That's the symbol worn by member of that notorious band of evil thieves, the Phantom Troupe!" Said Tonpa. 

"Really?" Asked Gon. 

"Yeah, definitely. They're famous. I heard about  them straight for Kurapika, and... Titania." Said Leorio. They all looked at me, then back to Kurapika. 

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue? I'm Majitani, one of the Phantom Troupe's four kings! Consider that first strike my way of saying hello. This is your last chance to surrender. I'm still willing too..." Then Kurapika looked straight at him, his eyes have become scarlet. 

"The scarlet eyes." I said, but no one seemed to have heard me. I did had knowledge of the scarlet eyes, but it's basic. 

"What's wrong with you?" Asked Majitani. Then Kurapika went up to him and punched him on the face, knocking him unconscious. Everyone on our side was completely shocked. But not me, or Killua. Wow, that was amazing. I then started to blush. 

"Consider this a warning... First a real Phantom Troupe tattoo has the member's number on the spider. Second, they don't bother counting how many they've killed. Third, never mention the Troupe again. If you do, I'll kill you." Said Kurapika. 

"Wow..." Said Tonpa. 

"Kurapika..." Said Leorio. 

"Well, saw that coming from a mile away." Said Killua. 

"Yup..." Said Gon. 

"Amazing." I said, blushing. Then Kurapika grabbed his stuff and walked back to us. 

"You okay, Kurapika?" Asked Leorio. 

"Yeah, I'm not injured." 

"Also, is it safe for us to be near you?" 

"From the moment I saw him, knew he was weak. And mentally, I knew that tattoo was a fake. But as soon as I saw the spider, everything in my sight turned red..." 

"Well, I can't really blame you." 

"Actually, to tell the truth... Even when I see a real spider, my personality changes, and I enter a frenzy." 

"You should have told us sooner..." 

"But this means that the rage in me remains as strong as ever. I suppose I should he happy." Then Kurapika sat down. 

"We should keep Kurapika away from spiders." Said Gon. 

"Definitely." Said Leorio. 

Then I walked up to Kurapika and sat down next to him. I put on a gentle smile while giving him a comforting hug. "You're not the only one who feel that way towards normal spiders." I said. Kurapika didn't say anything. He just looked at me smiling. I knew he was happy to hear that.  

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