Rock x Paper x Scissor

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Titania's POV 

"Okay! I'll secure our victory! Toss that guy out, and send in your next competitor!" Said Leorio. 

"We can't do that." Said one of the prisoner, this one sounded like a girl. 

"What's that?" 

"We can't move him yet because his match hasn't been settled." 

"The match hasn't been settled? What do you mean?" 

"He's still alive. He was only knocked out. Did you forget? This was a death match. The fight doesn't end until one contestant surrenders or dies. He's still alive, and he hasn't surrendered." 

"Damn technicalities!" 

"But she's right." Said Killua. 

"I see... Hey, Kurapika! Go finish off that worthless trash." Said Leorio. I broke away from the hug I was giving Kurapika. I turned to Leorio, giving him a deadpan expression. You can't force him into killing someone. 

"I refuse." Said Kurapika. 


"The fight is over. He'd already lost his will to fight when I punched him. I will not fight someone who's lost." 

"Screw that! Then what do we do? They're claiming that the match hasn't ended!" 

"Let him handle it. Once he wakes up, we'll have our answer." 

"Hey, now... We only have so much time left. We can't afford to just sit and wait!" 

"I have no intention of killing him." 

"Come on!" 

"Hey... If you don't want to dirty your hands, I'll do it." Said Killua. 

"Killua?" Gon said a little surprised. 

"You haven't ever killed anyone before, right? Are you scared?" 

"I have never considered whether murder is frightening. But this is a one-on-one battle. You aren't permitted to interfere." 

"Okay, then... But we're working as a team, so you shouldn't be to selfish." 

"You do say useful things somethings! Keep it up! Don't you understand that you're screwing up our chances?" Said Leorio. 

"I'm sorry, but I won't change my mind." 

"You stubborn fool... Fine! A majority decision... O to kill him, and X to leave him alive.  Ready, and..." Leorio, what are you doing? This isn't a part of the test. So it won't work. Nothing showed up on the screen. "Why isn't it working?!" 

"Maybe it's because we're asking the question?" Gon suggested. 

"The watches only work for questions presented by the examiner." Killua explained. 

"I see... Okay! Then we'll use a show of hands! Those who agree that he should be finished off... Now!" Only Leorio raised his hand. Leorio, a show of hands won't work either. "You traitor... Weren't you just lecturing Kurapika with me? We're suppose to be a team... A team!" He yelled at Killua. 

"But it pointless! He's not gonna change his mind." 

"You can't force a person to kill another." I got up and said to Leorio. 

"Hey, Gon! Why do you oppose killing him?" Leorio asked Gon. 

"Kurapika's right. He was on the verge of surrendering. Let's wait for him to wake up." 

Aristocrat x Slave x Hunter (Kurapika x OC)Where stories live. Discover now