The plan

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Alexa POV

"David was connected with Niall and their gang called a black tiger. Which is why all of the gang members has a tiger tattoo at their wrist and they have to used a black attire and black vehicles. David, had a record from killing few people in China including Alena from Monroe's family. He still can't be captured by cops because he was very cunning at escaping from cops. David had held grudges for years on Mr. Monroe because his family was bankrupt  and his father, Mr. Lee committed suicide. Mr. Lee was a friend of Mr. Monroe and they used to run the same hospital. But because of Mr. Lee's greed, they had a big argument and Mr. Monroe had decided to split ways. And that was when Mr. Lee's business started to turned upside down. He had a billions of debt, the loan sharks were after him but not long after that, he committed suicide. Shot himself to death. David blamed Mr. Monroe for the death of his father. David took revenge by killing one of the family member. And I'm pretty sure that he will continue to seek revenge until he feel satisfied," I paused.

"Why do you think so, Madam?" Kayla spoke.

"He had sent a threat to Monroe's family around few weeks ago. And the same thing happened to Mr. Sinclair. Niall, his adopted son had gave the same threats and now he had kidnapped Paige as a captive. Tomorrow, before midnight, our target asked to meet with Mr. Sinclair, privately," I said firmly to everyone in the room.

I took a deep breath before continued.

"Here's the plan. As our target had asked, Mr. Sinclair will faced himself and will bring the fake document along with him. He will hold a pen and if he pushed the pen, means that we must charged inside the building. The place was quiet big and the black tiger gang has over one hundreds member. So I want everyone to be cautious and careful. Team One and Team Two will covered the main door. Team Three and Team Four will covered at the back door and the other groups will besieged both of the side building and wait for a command. Understand?!" I said.

"Command accepted, Madam!" everyone shouted.

"Remember, this mission is very important and don't let anyone escaped."

"Yes, Madam!" they saluted me.

I nodded and dismissed them.

I turned to Mr. Sinclair and he looked very worried and anxious.

"We'll get him, Sir. No matter what. I promise," I said to him.

He nodded and patted my shoulder.

"I believe in you Alexa," he smiled.

"Be careful tomorrow, Sir."

He formed a small smile. "You too."

I drove to my apartment and washed myself. I couldn't sleep as I keep thinking about Paige. I stared at her locations at my laptop screen. I was very worried. She might be left in cold right now and I wonder what Niall had done to her.

I couldn't lose someone who I love again, not anymore. I won't let that happen, ever. And I will protect Paige until my last breath. I promised to myself.

Suddenly, a new notification popped out at my laptop screen and I quickly clicked on it.

It was a security camera from the airport. I spotted David was there. He was heading towards the departure hall. I couldn't help but to curious. I called my assistant, who just sent the file to asked the details.

"Why's David at the airport?" I asked.

"According to the information that I get, he booked a flight to Florida tonight."

"Okay. Thank you," I hung up the call.

I rubbed my head in frustration. It all makes sense now. David and Niall decided to make a move simultaneously. They both had a same goal, same revenge towards different family.

I rest my head at the table and sighed heavily.

As expected, he won't stop to get his revenge.

Paige was in danger and so are my family. I shut my eyes tightly when a tears stubbornly wanted to escaped from my eyes.

But I'm pretty sure that David will took a month or weeks to formed an actions so I have to save Paige and flew to Florida to solved my mission and saved my family.

My mind were full with anger, hatred and sadness. With my family's lives were on stake and Paige was kidnapped. I sometimes asked myself, am I the one who brings bad luck? Everyone that I loves were in danger and if I failed to saved all, I left no reasons to live. I failed as a daughter and as a bodyguard to my girlfriend.

I quickly shoved away that thoughts because blaming myself won't helped solved a things.

****new updates!! i'm sorry this chapter was pretty short but i hope you guys enjoying it!  ^_^

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