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Paige POV

Things have been changing a little bit. I get to talk to her, not much but at least there's a process. She still put her straight face and she still haven't touched about being friends yet. I tried to understand her. She maybe had an issues that make her so cautiously about having a friend. She never mentioned about her family or even her past. I just hope that she can opened up with me someday like I do. My feelings wanted to know her growing day by day.

There was also voices in my head saying that I might be falling for her. I never cared about anyone before. But then, she showed up and POP! She made my world turned upside down, in a good way. But you know, she kinda playing hard to get.

I walked to the studio and had a few photoshoots. I haven't post at my feed in a while so I'm sure my fans or my followers missing me. My photographer, Scott was a pretty good photographer though. I'm not regretting for hiring him.

Oh.. I forgot to mentioned, I'm a model and an influencer since I was in a high school. Although my dad wanted me to became a CEO at his own company, I simply told him that I'm not ready. I'm the only heiress since my adopted brother left, nowhere to be gone, so sooner or later, I'm the one who will work my ass for the company.

Good thing that dad understood me because he knew that I enjoyed what I do such as making Vlogs whenever I travelled, posting videos in Youtube and of course, modelling. It felt like I'm too young to sit in the giant chairs, handling a giant company.

As soon as I'm done with photoshoots and posting on social media, I changed to my blue ocean crop top and shorts. Then I walked to my balcony to breathing some fresh air. As I stretched my arms, I noticed a figure standing at the garden. Well, it's her. A slim figure, with her black leather jacket and her dirty brown hair flying free as the wind blows.

She touched the white flower and eyeing it. I wonder why she liked the Japanese Anemone so much. There was once when I asked her and she was taken aback by it so I never asked her since then.

After staring at her, I decided to approached and disturb her.

Alexa POV

While enjoying my daydreaming, someone snapped a finger in front of my eyes which made all of my imaginations vanished.
"Where you at? Moon?" she teased.

I came back to the reality.

"No. Thinking about kidnapping someone," I glanced at her.

She rolled her eyes and took a sip of her water.

"I still remembered the day that you 'saved' me though," she said in irritated tones.

"I don't," I replied shortly.

"How can I forget it when you said that you'd kidnapped someone hotter if you wanted you?" she rolled her eyes.

Ohhh.... that one. I mentally laughed.

"Well, its true," I said in a serious tone, afraid that I would burst into laugh.

"Oh c'mon. One I am hot, two I am a model and EVERYONE would want to kidnap me," she exclaims.

"Yeah. The bald man was one of them," I said while rubbing the back of my neck.

"Gosh, you're annoying," she said irritated.

"Anyway, did you hurt anywhere?" she raised her eyebrow.

Did she had a bipolar? I mean, once she was irritated now she is acting caring?

"Um. Just a little bruises," I stopped.

"And?" she raised her eyebrow.

I couldn't hide it from her since she would make a puppy face as long as I didn't tell her.

"Just a small wound, at my chest. But it is fine," I said. 

Lies. I love my skin.

"Oh, poor you," she said in a soft tone.

"Well, it won't happened if you just trust me that day," I said.

"Oh c'mon. How can I trust you when I can't even get your name, I can't see your face clearly and I can't even guessed you gender!" she said frustrated.

Whoops, she had a point.

"It's fine. Things happened" I said, giving up.

There was a silent before she spoke again.

"May I know why?"

"Why what?"

"Why did you used a fake voice mask, a black scarf that covered almost half of your body?" she said while her fingers tip playing with a mug that she held.

"It's because I can't let people know my identity or even a voice. Privacy.... is a priority," I answered.

"Hiding from?"

"Well, I'm a bodyguard and I'm also an agent. I have missions. Once my identity exposed, someone that I guard or my...." I paused.

"my family can be in danger," I continued and then realizing what I just said. Family.

"Oh, I see. That's why my dad have so many guards around him," she replied.

I'm glad she didn't mentioned about the family things though.

"Anyway, you don't read any books today?" she asked.


"You always sitting your butt in the library, reading," she rolled her eyes.

"No, I didn't feel like I want to read today," I leaned against the chair.

"Even a dork sometimes can be tired too eh?" she teased.

"I'm not!"

"Yes, you are," she grinned.

"At least I can finished a book in five days," I replied.

"That's because you are real dork, but you still denying it," she grinned then laughed.

Looking at her smiling, laughing were the best things ever. I don't know why, but I just feel comfortable around her. She's cute when she's annoyed. She annoyed most of the time and always pouted her mouth but then she laughs like nothing happened. I kept thinking about it all until I'm afraid of her. Am I falling again? What will I do if I fall for her? What if she's the one? I have my missions and revenge that need to be done. If I let her in, will she stands in my way? But what if she is the missing piece? What will I do?

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