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Paige POV

Waking up next to her make me feel like I'm the most luckiest person in the world. One week passed by since Alexa and I were officially being girlfriends. Dad wouldn't mind that Alexa sleepover with me. He knew that we were officially dating now and as he said, he approved us. Dad even teased me 'Thanks to me, I'm a successful cupid' and 'It's good that Alexa here, so that she will help me to handle your stubbornness'.

I just chuckled at him. I knew he wanted me to be happy in life.

Alexa told me that she'll came around afternoon because she had a work to do at her agency.

I still couldn't believe that Alexa, a Monroe, a dork and the hottest woman I've ever seen became my girlfriend. OMG.

The first day I met her when she revealed who she was, I knew that I will fall for that girl. Hard.

I jumped off from the bed because someone was knocking at my door.

"Daddy?" I said when I saw him.

"Paige...umm, can you come to my office now?" he said.

I could sense that something was bothering him.


I shut the door behind me and followed him to his office.

I was surprised to see that Alexa was already stood inside.

"Hey," I smiled and hugged her.

She hugged me back and gave me a smile.

"So, what is this about?" I tilted my head to dad.

Alexa and I sat next to each other, across to dad.

"Paige, please don't freak out when you heard about this. It's something important but also a gut wrenching," dad frowned.

"Okay...." I slowly nodded.

"I got a threat this morning. A threats that will put our lives in danger but...don't worry, we've got everything covered," his brow creased.

"A Threat? From who?" I raised my eyebrow.

Dad stay in silent and he stared at Alexa. 

hen Alexa spoke.

"Niall, your stepbrother," she stared at me with concerned.

"Niall?" I asked in disbelief.

"Why?" I let out a small sighed.

"He wanted me to put all  the company under his name," dad finally spoke.

"But he's the one who left!" I unconsciously raised my voice.

"Where is him?" I asked again.

"We're still tracking him but he's somewhere near," Alexa said.

"How can he gave a threat to us? He's the one who left and what are him? Seven?" I said still feeling dissatisfied.

Alexa put her hands at my shoulder and it calmed me down a little bit.

"He can't took over the company and will never be," dad exclaimed.

"We all are in danger. So from now on, Alexa, you have to stay close with Paige. I believe that you can protect my daughter and we'll solved this case as soon as possible so that no one's life will be on the fence," dad commands.

"Yes, Sir," Alexa said firmly.

We both walked out from the office and headed to my room.

I sat at the edge of my bed.

"I can't believe he threaten dad. Dad raised him but he just disappeared, never come back and now he wanted dad to give him all the companies? He's unbelievable. He shouldn't be adopted in the first place," I said in anger tone.

Alexa walked and sat next to me. She sat in silent, listening to me.

"I loved him, I always do but he hated me. Ever since we were kid, he never treated me nice, never treated me like a sister," I slowly exhaled.

Alexa pulled my head to rest against her shoulder.

"Everything will be fine and I believe that there will always a way to solve all of this," she planted a kissed at my forehead.

"So is it true that our lives is in danger?" I cocked my head to face her.

She hold the both of my arms and stared me deeply in my eyes.

"Yes it's true. But no, I will not let anything happen to you, not even a little wound," she then tucked my hair.

"I promised to your dad that I will protect you, your safety is my first priority and promises are something that I won't break," she stared at me. Her eyes telling me that she really meant what she said.

"But what about you? Who's gonna protect you?" my eyebrow furrowed.

She chuckled.

"Don't worry about me. I'm pretty tough you know," she smiled.

"That's not fair," I pouted.

"It is," she defend herself.

"How about we'll protect each other. That'll be much fair and don't say no," I said, staring at her eyes.

She let out a defeated sighed.

"Fine," she said.

"Alexa, we promise to protect each other and stay together no matter what happens," I said firmly.

"Promise," she smiled.

I leaned in and crushed my lips at hers.

Kissing her always sent me butterflies in my stomach, in a good way and I enjoyed it.

***wohooooo to be continued...

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