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Alexa POV

As I finish wrapping up my wound, I head out to my car that parks at the garage. On my way down, I noticed their family photos. Mr. Sinclair and his wife, Paige and her adopted brother. It must have been really hard for Mr. Sinclair and his daughter. He lost his wife three years ago and his adopted brother long gone nowhere to be seen. So Mr. Sinclair only live with his beloved daughter, the only heiress left, Paige, ever since. I'm so glad that he found me, help me and hired me as his daughter bodyguard.

I'm still not over this evening's scene though. She should've trust me so that I wouldn't get wound at my chest. It's not that I never get wound, but I just love my skin a lot. During fights, I try to avoid as much as I can from getting injuries. Just a bruises and that's okay because it leave no scars. I've been doing that since I was a kid.

I walked to my car and drove back to my apartment. Luckily, Mr. Sinclair own an apartment building, a fancy one not for from his mansion, so he offered me , more to give me my own apartment. It was for work of course because if I have to stay at my own home, it will be 5 hours of driving. He offered me an apartment which in return I have to protect his daughter. We kinda make a deal earlier.

Talking about his daughter, she seems familiar. It seems like I've seen her before and I wonder where, but I'll deal with that later.

As soon as I arrived at my apartment door, I entered my passcode and get in. I took a long hot shower before make myself a dinner. Hot shower seems to help a lot to washed away today's event.

After I finished my dinner, I decided to go to the balcony to breath some fresh air and make some stretch. One thing which was great about this apartment, it has the best view of the city skyline especially during nights. I live in 33th floor and that makes the view became more beautiful. After half of an hour, I  brushed my teeth, changed into my pajamas and drift off to sleep. What a long day.

"Alexa, promise me that we will always stay together even if we're old and gray."

"Of course, dork. And promise me that we won't marry early so that we can travel around the world ourselves," I said smiled to her.

"I promise! And we should seal our promises though. So Alexa close your eyes and repeat after me."

"Alright," I said.

"We promise to not marry early.."

"We promise to not marry early.." I repeated.

"So that we can travel the world together," she continued.

"So that we can travel the world together," I repeated.

"And always stay together....." there was a long paused and she shouted.

"Alexa! Welp meeeeeee!"

I opened my eyes and saw that she was dragged by two men in suits. Her mouth was covered. I wanted to ran after her, but my knees were too weak. My eyes started to watery and I kept shouted her name. I was tripped and fell down. I watched that they shoved her into a dark van and drove away.

I instantly woke up and sat down. My chest were ups and down as I tried to catching my breath. I felt a liquids rolling down my cheeks and realized that I was crying in reality. It's that nightmare again but it feels like it was happening yesterday. I took a deep breath trying to calmed myself. I reached for my phone to see what the time was. It's 05:30 a.m.. I couldn't sleep back so I took a long hot shower and prepared a breakfast for myself, since there was no one to prepare for me. I make a scrambled egg and French toast and of course, milk.

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