Truth to be told

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Paige POV

After a lunch with my dad, I decided to go to the library. To asked Alexa myself, to apologize and to get her talked to me. Gosh. I don't remember when the last time I felt so desperate to talked to someone just to hear their voices. Almost a month since I last talked to her and it kinda hurt. So I braved myself and took a deep breath before i entered the library. I fixed my posture and entered the passcode.

Once I'm in, I was glad to see her but nervous at the same time.

She sat silently, reading a book. She glanced at me and adjust her sitting position. I took a deep breath when I sat down.

"Alexa," I said.

She put her book down and stared right into my eyes.

"Um, I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier," I paused while playing with my fingers.

She stay silent as she wanted to hear another words from me. I started to feel anxious and my hands can't stay still.

"I know I shouldn't have mad at you. I let my emotions controlled me and I snapped at you also. I gave you the mean words. I'm sorry if I hurt you. All the words I said earlier, I didn't mean it," I paused.

When I opened my mouth to continued, she reached her hand and put it on mine. I closed my mouth and feel the warmth of her palms creep into my skin.

"It's fine. I understand," our eyes met and I can see that her eyes soften.

I sighed slowly.

"Just......that?" I furrowed my eyebrow.

"Yeap. That's enough. I forgive you and I never mad at you," she said calmly.

I sighed. How come she stay calmed meanwhile I'm about to explode anytime, anxious, panicked, throwing tantrums like a child.

She realized that she put her hand against mine and she quickly pulled her hands back.

Suddenly, I miss the warmth of her palm.

"And I'm sorry again, I peeked at the files in your phone," I lowered my head and bite my lips in guilt.

"All?" she raised her eyebrow and her eyes widened.

"No. Just his name and his images. It's just....unbelievable,"I frowned.

She lets out a breath.

"Sometimes, you don't really know someone no matter how long you claimed that you knew them. It's fine. It's not your fault. He just never showed his other side. His side behind the mask," she said firmly and that hit me at the spot. My face redden.

"But still, I should've listened to your explanation," I claimed.

"Stop blaming yourself. You did it today, aren't you?" she said trying to comforting me.

I nodded weakly.

"You should've told me sooner but you keept missing," I said.

"Its...uh.. Im afraid that you, you might hate me," she said.

I laughed at her and she stared in confusion.

"You? Afraid? Seems like you're not," I chuckled.

She strokes her hair and I can see that her cheeks redden. Was she blushing?

"Um, anyway, where did you put the handbag that he gave?" she asked.

"Who...? Oh in my closet room. Why?" I said.

"If you don't mind, I want to check that bag."

"Is there something wrong with that bag?" I asked.

"Only one way to find out."

She followed me to the closet room. I punched the passcode and we both entered. I pointed at her where the handbag was and she motioned 'shh' with her finger.

She took out a gloves from her jacket and started to checking the handbag. I approached her and she motioned to keep a low noises again. Her hand stopped browsing.

She gave me a look 'I'm sorry' to me and I gave her questioning look. She grabbed a dagger from her pocket and my eyes widened.

She started to poked the bag and I watched it in sorrow.

After a moment, she stopped and took out some black things with red lights.

Was it bomb? I stared disbelief. She released a deep breath.

"You can talk now," she said.

"Is that bomb?" I still covered my mouth with my hands as I stood in disbelief.

"It's a bug device. Good thing that he didn't activated it just yet. I'll take this with me," she said and put the device in her pocket.

"What.....?" I'm speechless.

Why would he put a bug device in that handbag? Tears started to filled my eyes and my knees were weak.

I stumbled down and Alexa catched me before I reached the floor. And now we both sat on the floor.

"I.....I knew something was wrong with that bag, but I...I chose to ignored it," I frowned.

My cheeks started to wet and she hold my back.

"It's fine Paige. You're safe," she hugged me.

I hugged her tightly and cried at her shoulder. She stayed silent, caressed my back.

After a while, I spoke. "Thank you Alexa."

She broke the hugged and hold both of my arms.

"It's fine. It's my main duty to keep you safe," she stared at my eyes and wiped my tears that fell down at my cheeks.

We both make a staring contest and I looked at her lips. I just wanted to kissed her lips right now. My face blushed and I can see that she gulped.

She blink and let go of her hand from my arms. She stood up and extended her hand.

"Can you walk?" she said.

I grabbed her hand and because of too much forces, I bumped into her and she hold my waist. I widened my eyes and she did too. I pulled her into hugs one more time to avoid the awkward moment.

"Well, I guess stand hug much better huh?" I said while patted her back.

"Y--yes," she said hesitantly.

We broke the hugged and headed outside.

"Sorry for ruinning your jacket," I said.

"Oh it's fine. Good thing it's dark colour . So no worries," she said firmly.

"You probably think that I'm a crybaby," I lowered my head, embarrassed.

"No.. well yes actually but I've seen few people did that. It's fine," she replied.

"How many people cried at your shoulder?" I suddenly feel irritated.

"Um, two," she said.

"Really? I'm the second?"

She nodded and my cheeks blushed again.

"Then the next time, it'll be me again. I'll make sure to cry at your shoulders because I just found out that's the best place," I teased and winked at her.

She widened her eyes and I smiled. I quickened my pace to my room before she saw my tomato face.

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