Chapter 13

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On that very same day that Nicholas came home, Michael went to check on Rachel, updates about her husband for he has not receive any calls from Nicholas which is bothering him.

"Rachel, I'll be---Nicholas?!" Michael was shocked seeing Nicholas right after he had barged in their hospital room. No more knocking, he just let himself in. Talk about being rude.


"What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Can you two at least be considerate to the sleeping child and have your argument outside?" Clearly, Rachel is annoyed with their upcoming noises that will surely be awaking her child in no time. Which the two followed afterwards and left to go outside at the hallways.

"Should I repeat my question earlier? Or you'll answer before I hit you." Michael was pissed. He had waited all day yesterday and received nothing. Has this man betrayed him? Is he going against their deal now, now that Michael is certain he's going to succeed in breaking Last Name?

"I'm done. I can't do it anymore."

"Oh, are you now. Then you're just going to let your child die in that hospital bed, is that what you're implying to me?!"

"I'm not going to let Kath die."

"Then enlighten me with this stupidity that you're doing. You aren't making any sense." Michael is holding on to this bit of patience with this man he is dealing with. Just a little more and he might punch some senses into this guy.

"I already got the money needed for my daughter. I no longer need your deal. Akashi Seijuro, I'm telling you Michael you've hit a wrong wall. This man is a real deal, right here. He ain't playing games when he told me to inform you that you better not involve yourself with him if that is not for good. Consequences will follow suit if you oppose him." He said that just right, if you're playing this game of life make sure you're not playing the opposing side of Akashi. He had only lost once and never did that event happen again. And definitely, he will do anything to have his own way to everything.

"What are you talking about, Last Name just went off to be dating some business man. You're not fooling anyone here." Michael mocked, confident that he is having the upper hand here.

"If you're not believing me then I'm out. I don't want to involve myself with him and with you anymore. I am telling you, just stop bothering Last Name. You are not recieving any good at your end, you'll just suffer more if you continue this."

"I don't listen to piece of craps. Don't give me all those words after you had received what you have been aiming for. You are helping no one here, not a single soul, clearly you were just used. Don't go talking that your all mighty cause your not. That Akashi is no match for me, you hear me? I'm not giving up on what I had started cause I am never a quitter. We'll see who'll be standing at the end of this game." Michael decided to leave for he no longer finds any reason to continue talking to Nicholas.

He just wasted his time and effort on someone that he thought is his pawn but eventually betrayed him, just for what? Money? He finds him pathetic, he literally will do anything for the sake of his child. Well people do go into some lengths just for the sake of saving the people they truly care about.

"How pitiful." Michael thought to himself. He never experienced that before, for he had always believe that people lived only to save themselves. You are to survive in your life, in your own will and strength. After his parents death and no relatives to turn to, never did he relied on anyone and he survived. However, to survive his life he never came the purest and innocent. He had involved himself with so much underground businesses that up until now he continues doing.

More Than Anyone Else, I Fell In Love With You [AKASHI SEIJURO]Where stories live. Discover now