Chapter 11

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"Last Name-chan!" Momoi was yelling beside Last Name, gaining her attention but to no avail.

"Last Name-chan!" She called once more, earning a jolt from Last Name who looked at her with a single tear escaped her left eye.

"I'm so sorry for yelling. I just wanted to ask if you had given Kimura-san the report regarding with Akashi-kun's project with us." Momoi quickly apologized after thinking it was her who made her junior teared up.

"H-hai. She also had returned it to me this morning. Here." Last Name wiping off the tear from her face, grabbing the file that her senior is referring to.

"Oh. Thanks."

"Please excuse me. I'll just go to the comfort room." Then Last Name left.

Momoi just noticed how her voice was attempting to waver just by talking and that is when she thought. She's not fine.

It has been eight days since that conflict between Akashi and Last Name occured. None of their friends had knowledge about what happened and both managed to maintain their image at their own place of work therefore none had also noticed that something was off. Today could also went on just well but Last Name couldn't take it anymore. She went to the comfort room with her tears attempting to roll down her cheeks. She had made it to one cubicle and cried her heart out. After a few minutes of just crying and crying she came out to wash her face and shocked to see her senior.

"Just like I thought, you are not fine, Last Name-chan." Momoi walked towards the said girl hugging her which just triggered another pool of tears from Last Name.

No words were exchanged. The serene atmosphere of the comfort room was enveloped with Last Name's cries and Momoi couldn't ponder what is really happening that is why she asked.

"What happened? I'm sorry I know I shouldn't ask at this spur of the moment---"

"I-It was an one fine day eight days ago, Momoi-senpai. I had went to meet that client but I found out it was a false meeting that I was set up to meet the man I despised the most. It was my ex. And he begged me to take him back." Last Name stated between her cries.

"Huh?! Isn't he married with a child?!"

"That also made me wonder and I asked him. He told me their child died and his wife divorced him and went off to marry an older and wealthier man. I wasn't buying it, but the confused feelings inside me was messing up with my head which gave me the inability to leave the cafe. He pleaded, crying his self out and holding on to my hands that I couldn't retract it, that was when Seijuro came in. That was a complete misunderstanding. I caught up to him until we arrived at his house and he refused to talk me. But that didn't hold me back and I went to his room to talk." Last Name can't stand how this conversation is bringing her back to that dreadful day that she is again losing her everything.

"Last Name-chan..." Momoi can only listen and soothe the back of her junior.

"He looks so broken, Momoi-senpai. I tried explaining but he refused to give me that chance. He said that he fell in love with me more than anyone else after building his self back yet I chose to break his heart. I want to scream, I want to apologize for this misunderstanding. I want to explain my side that everything isn't what he thought it was and then he said it, that I was just using people to build my name and that hit me. That somewhere in our relationship he had me investigated without my knowledge. And that breaks me. Trust and love are our foundation, Momoi-senpai. I trusted him because I love him and sadly it wasn' wasn't the same for him." Last Name is not stopping with her crying, she kept on shedding tears and her senior no longer doesn't know what to do.

More Than Anyone Else, I Fell In Love With You [AKASHI SEIJURO]Where stories live. Discover now