Chapter 10

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"The number you have dialled is not in service. Please try your call later."

This is the fifth time Akashi tried calling Last Name's phone this evening, and the nth time ever since this morning. It's not like he's pissed that she's not answering, perhaps he had a bad day in the office and Last Name not answering to his calls just add up to that boil. Tomorrow he'll be back from his business in Kyoto and will be having to spend a date with his love.

To: First Name❣
I'll be home tomorrow lunch. I hope you get to free your time. I love you and make sure you have a good sleep.

Pressing sent, Akashi sighed after receiving no responses ever since this morning. He's worried. Oh no, worried is an understatement. He might be keeping his composure in front of his business acquaintances but deep inside he is holding a troubling thought that Last Name have been experiencing danger. Hoping that is not the case, he tried drifting off to sleep but can't.

Morning came and he didn't even got a single wink of sleep. Bags under his eyes were slightly evident. He readied himself and Inukai came to drive Akashi to his last business matter for this trip.


"Okay this is bad, Momoi-senpai." Last Name is having trouble with who knows what is it about.

"Last Name-chan, I did told you to purchase one yesterday didn't I?"

"Momoi-senpai you could've forgotten that my wallet together with my cards were taken." Last Name is cramming.

Yesterday morning, Last Name is completely in a tight schedule. She didn't get to have a free time and still worked during lunch break. She is preparing her design to a client that she will be meeting this lunch time in a cafe at Shibuya. Neither did she got the time to look into her phone on breaks, her phone which is at the side her bag. Or that was she thought. It was until they got off from work when Momoi noticed a huge slash on Last Name's which the owner herself didn't noticed for the whole day. Last Name got hysterical and looked into her bag. That is when she had found out her phone was no longer there together with her wallet and cards. Momoi then receive a call from his husband telling her to go to the hospital cause Kai got into an accident. It wasn't that big of an accident however Momoi didn't have any choice but to leave Last Name with some cash for her to get home and drove off to the hospital. But before that, she did told Last Name to grab a new phone completely forgetting she is penniless at the moment.

"Gomen gomen. Here you can use my phone for the mean time. Call Akashi-kun and tell him what happened cause probably he is also worried without you contacting him for a whole day." Momoi offered, grabbing her phone from her bag.

"Thanks but I guess I can do that later, Momoi-senpai. I need to finish this proposal first since I'll be meeting my new client this lunch. And here." Last Name took a few cash from her new wallet, she obtained back at her apartment, and give to Momoi.

"You saved me last night, Momoi-senpai. Thank you very much. Now that I think about it, how is Kai-kun?"

"He's fine now. We got home that night after he recieved a treatment on his ankle. He just happen to fall off from the playground at the park and got his ankle sprained."

"I see. Then I'll be going now, I still need to prepare this."


Fr: First Name❣
I'm sorry for not responding yesterday. I was busy the whole day with some project proposals. I'll be at a cafe at Shibuya this lunch time. I guess I'll just see you there?"

More Than Anyone Else, I Fell In Love With You [AKASHI SEIJURO]Where stories live. Discover now