3. Killer Queen

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"Rough night?" Lettie said as she entered the kitchen the next morning to find a not-so-chipper Chip nursing a cup of tea.

"Yes, this young man is paying for his mistakes," said Valerie, not sounding very pleased by her son's actions from the previous night.

"Good." Lettie poured her own cup of tea.

"You're not off the hook either, young lady!"

"I told him I wasn't babysitting. You can't blame me for his bad choices."

"Yeah, this one's on me," groaned Chip, taking a slow, cautious sip of his tea. 

"Where are you off to?" Valerie asked her daughter. 


"Again?" cried Chip. "I don't know how you spend so much time there."

"That's because you know nothing about fashion. That's payback for the apron joke."

This managed to make him laugh a little.   "Touché."

When she arrived at the shop, portfolio tucked into her bag as usual, there just in case she had a rush of inspiration while walking though the aisles of the shop, she found Mary behind the counter speaking with a young man. From the way the two were standing there talking, she could tell they were close. 

"Lettie!" Mary caught sight of her and waved.  Then she gestured to the guy she was speaking with.  "Perfect timing! Lettie, this is my Freddie."

Lettie instantly recognized him. "Oh, hello again."

He smiled back, recognizing her too. "Hello Darling, long time no see."

"I take it you've already met," said Mary.

"Yes, briefly at the pub gig last night. Chip got himself drunk and Freddie helped me help him to the car."

"Freddie's a dear," said Mary. 

"Yes, I am." Freddie batted his eyelashes and grinned, making the ladies laugh. "How's your brother doing?"

"The little shit is paying for his mistakes."

"Ah, we've all been there. Hangovers are a bitch."

Mary laughed. "I'm so glad you two are finally meeting! Freddie loves fashion and music."

"Yes, and I love the look, Darling.  It's killer!" Freddie commented Lettie's outfit.

"Thanks, I think yours is too."

"Yes, Freddie's got such a wonderful, exotic look," said Mary. 

"Indeed. I hear you've got a stall at Kensington Market." 

"You've heard correct, Dear. Used clothing. We're doing well so far."

"Oh, I've been going through my closet-"

"You're always going through your closet," laughed Mary.

Lettie just rolled her eyes and chuckled. "-I have some things I could bring by."

"Absolutely! We can do a trade. Speaking of which, I mustn't keep Roger waiting. He took the piss at me last time I was. So I'll be off." He gave Mary a kiss and then gave Lettie a hug.  "Goodbye My Love. And wonderful to meet you, Juliette."

Lettie quickly decided that she didn't quite mind hearing her extravagant full name if Freddie was the one speaking it.

Both ladies watched him leave. 

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