15. "Gently Play on Your Heart Strings"

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"He's really struggling, and could use the extra help. And he knows you, so I thought it might work out." Lettie was explaining Chip's predicament to Brian. She had stopped by the boys' flat, where she, Freddie, and Roger arranged to meet. It was her first day on the new job and they would head to Kensington Market together and the boys would show her their stall's opening procedure.

"I know you're very busy though, so please don't feel any pressure."

"No, no, I would be happy to help him out. I've struggled my way through many physics concepts so I know how difficult it can be."

"Brilliant, thank you. I've spoken to Mum and Dad, and they say as long as you're willing, they'd really appreciate the help. Chip too, of course."


"Thank you."

"You're welcome.  Have a good first day."

"Thank you!"

"Don't let Fred and Rog drive you too crazy."

"I'll try."

"Humph," said Freddie. "I heard that, Bri. We're going to have a blast!"

"I can only imagine. See you later."

"Brought us some snacks, did you?" Roger said while they walked to the bus stop, nodding to the grocery bag from the family shop in Lettie's hands.

"Sorry, no. I finally went through my closet and collected some clothes to put up in the stall," she explained. "God, I have so much stuffed in that closet! I really need to stop buying new clothes."

"Never!" cried Freddie.

"At least until I do away with some of the old ones."

"Well these will certainly make a welcome contribution to our collection here, thank you," he assured her. "As will you, of course!" He winked. 

She smiled.  "I'm glad."


It wasn't until close to two weeks after receiving the sad news of not getting the job that Lettie braved the department store.  She felt an even stronger sense of longing this time when she walked through the doors. 

"Oh you'll love that!" Mary said when Lettie told her about her brand new job at the stall, thanks to Freddie.

"Yes, it was very generous of them."

"It'll be brilliant. I'm excited for you."

"Thanks, Mary."

"Got a date tonight?" Mary asked a little while later, leaning against the counter of the cash desk, watching as Lettie rifled through some women's jackets on the rack. Her classic question. "With Roger?" she then added playfully.

Lettie rolled her eyes towards the blonde. "Very funny."

"Tina seems dead-set on the two of you."

"Yes, she does. And can I not just want to look good for no particular reason?"

Mary just raised her eyebrows and smirked. "Of course you can, and I support you in doing so."


With everyone in agreement, it was arranged that Brian would come over after school on Tuesdays as Chip's new physics tutor. 

"Now, Brian," said Valerie once the hour-long session was finished.  "Of course we will be paying you for this."

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