18. You're My Best Friend

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Lettie and Tina sprinted up the drive, Priya sprinting from the opposite direction, and the three friends jumped into each other's arms in a big three-way hug.

"Oh, I missed you so much!"

"We missed you so much!"

"How are you?!"

"Good, and you?! You seem rather chipper for someone who spent all of yesterday traveling across continents!" Tina remarked. 

"Yes, I'm rather exhausted," Priya chuckled.  "Travel will do that to you. But not tired enough to catch up with my two best mates, obviously. I've had my family time - a lot of family time - and now it's girls' time! Overall though, I'm good. You both?"

"Wonderful, especially now you're back," Tina said, grinning and putting her arm around her friend.

"Hello girls," Priya's mum called from the front door of their house.

"Hello Mrs. Patel! Welcome home!"

"Thank you, have a nice time!"


With that, the friends were off. 

"Mum's already homesick," Priya told them. They had brought a picnic to Hyde Park and sat on blankets on the grass, the perfect place for a long chat and catch-up with friends. "I heard her talking with her sisters before we left, and it sounds like, well,  like she'd like to move back." Both of her friends gasped.  "She's never really felt at home here, while I was born and raised here. But I'll be going off to university soon, so even if she moves back, maybe I could stay..."

"You think your Mum would be okay with you staying?"

"Maybe, I don't know... I hope so."

"Where would you go?"

"I was looking at a writing program in Glasgow."

"That would be amazing for you!"

Priya grinned.  "Yeah, it sounds brilliant. I'll just have to convince Mum." She shrugged.  "But tell me about yourselves! I've been so missing the gossip! Let, did any spots open up at Biba?"

Lettie sighed, ready to launch into the story.  "Yes, one did. I got an interview  but I didn't get the job." She gave a small smile.

"Aww, that's rubbish, I'm so sorry." Priya gave her hand a squeeze. 

"Yeah, thanks, I was pretty upset.  But I did get a part time position at the fashion stall run by Mary's boyfriend and his mate."

"Oh wonderful! That sounds great for you!"

"Yeah, so far so good!"

"Love it." Priya turned to Tina.  "Teen, what about you?"

Tina took a drag of her cigarette.  "Still cutting hair in the same old shop - but been browsing for leasing opportunities for my own salon."


"Yes, so if you hear of any openings, let me know."

"And," Priya prompted. "What about your new boyfriend?"

"Oh she's been dying to talk your ear off about him," Lettie laughed.

Tina swatted at her before turning back to Priya.  "Tim is lovely, we're very happy."

"Good, I'm so glad. You deserve the best, Teen." Priya was well aware of Tina's not-so-nice past relationships.

"Thank you, Darling." Tina smirked.  "But I'm not the only one with a boy story." She nudged Lettie.

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