12. My Melancholy Blues

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Lettie made her way around the grocery shop in a daze, dusting shelves and straightening products on the shelves. It was a quiet day in the shop, so not much to keep her busy, or distracted from the news of the call from the other day.

In her saddened state, she naturally gravitated towards the sweets in the jars behind the cash desk, the confectionary display.  Some of the caramels had a funny shape, and so they wouldn't sell those ones.  But, they were perfect for sampling...

She had just popped the little square in her mouth when the bell above the door rang, signalling the arrival of someone.

She went to call 'hello' to the customer, but found her mouth wouldn't move - it was sealed shut by the sticky caramel!

As soon as it was on her tongue it had begun to melt, becoming a sticky goo in her mouth.

She began to panic - she must look like a chipmunk, with her cheeks puffed out.

This panic only rose when she saw who the customer was.

"Bwyan," she said, or tried to say, her hand flying up to cover her mouth.

"Hello," he replied, eyeing her curiously.

"Sowrry - thesse arrr vurry stick-key..." God, the caramel had turned to glue in her mouth. "Gwood bwut stick-eee..."

"Oh yeah? May I?" He nodded to the chocolates.

She couldn't speak, so she just nodded. He took one of the squares and popped it into his mouth. His face fell. "Oh, yeeahh... Vurry stwicky..." Now his mouth was stuck too.

She held up a finger, signalling for him to wait, before rushing to the back and filling up two glasses with water.  She came back to the front of the shop and handed one glass to him. He nodded his thanks and took the offered glass, both washing down the chocolate and caramel. 

"Sorry," she said when at last she felt the caramel dissolve in her mouth thanks to the gulp of water. "Bad time for me to be sampling the sweets."

"No worries.  Thanks for the sample."

She held out the tray.  "Another?" she joked.

"No thanks - although I might take a couple for the flatmates." Both laughed at this.

"So sticky." She wiped her fingers on her apron.  "It's like when you accidentally pour too much honey on baklava."


"Alright, you got me, 'accidentally'."

He chuckled.  Then he gave a small smile. "I heard about your job."

"You mean lack of job."

"Yes, I'm very sorry. I was so sure you had it."

"Me too." She nodded sadly.

"How are you doing?"

"Not great, honestly.  I'm pretty down and disappointed."

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm sorry to hear that. I thought maybe I could buy you a pot of earl grey and we could chat about it, if you like?"

She smiled. "I'd honestly love that, thank you Brian. That's so sweet."

At the end of her shift they left the shop together - they were still picking bits of chocolate and caramel out of their teeth when they left.


In the coffee shop, in a booth with pots of tea and pastries before them, Brian sat while Lettie ranted about how she was feeling. "Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble about my woes," she sighed.

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