24. Soul Brother

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"So I thought of a name for our shop: how about, 'Bohemian Rhapsody'?"

"Oooo, I like it! Do you roll the 'R' in 'Rhapsody'?"

"You can, whatever you feel like." Freddie grinned and winked. 

Lettie and Freddie were chatting up a storm during their shift at the stall. This was her second shift back at the Market since Dad's heart attack - life was finally returning to a sense of normalcy following the scare. 

"What's this for?" asked Brian. He had come to the stall - to see Lettie - and look for a jacket, but also to see Lettie. Well, to see Lettie and also look for a jacket. He currently stood before the tall mirror, twisting around to see the jacket from all angles. 

"Fred and I are brainstorming a fashion shop that we may open in the future," Lettie explained. 

"Ah, I see. Well, I like the potential name too, Fred."

"Thank you, Darling!"

"I'm feeling very left out," said Roger.

"You're not even on shift right now, Roger!" Freddie reminded him.

"You'll always be welcome in our shop, Roger," Lettie told him. Then she turned back to her modeling special guy friend.  "All right, well I think it fits rather nicely! The arms are a little long though, nothing a quick hem won't fix - which I can do for you, free of charge."

"Well, how about for a pot of earl grey?"

"I could make that work."

"We get it, you two are adorable, but please, get a room," Roger called. 

"Roger, stop ruining their moment! They are adorable!" Freddie called. "Go  back to the break room and leave them be."

"You mean break corner, we don't actually have a room."

"Whatever. 'Break corner' then. Get lost."

Roger poked his tongue out at Freddie. "You're the one who's creepily watching them, Fred."

"Am not! I'm busy folding these shirts."  

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." 

Roger headed back to the 'break corner' while Lettie helped Brian at the counter as he paid for his jacket and then he headed off - he had papers to mark for the class he was a TA for. 

"I've noticed that you and Brian haven't kissed each other hello or goodbye," Freddie remarked to her once Brian had gone. 

"Oh, not you too, Fred. Tina's been hounding me over it."

"Oh no, Dear. I was just curious. People move at different paces, and if things are working out between you two at this pace, then that's what matters."

"Thanks, Fred."

"Of course, anytime Dear. On that note, things do seem to be going well between you and Brian," he added with a knowing grin.

She grinned back.  "Yes, they are."

"And, what did you think of the song? Our new White Queen?"

"Is it really for me?"

"Not my place to say, Darling." But he winked.

"Well, whoever it was for, it was very beautiful. And you are quite the performer, Fred."

"Thank you, Dear. I know, but that still means a lot."

She chuckled. "You know, this may seem kind of random, but I really am glad I met you, Fred. I've never met someone who shares such a passion for fashion to the extreme of my own. And you're so kind and considerate."

"Kindred spirits. And well thank you, Juliette. I'm very glad to have met you as well." He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a squeeze.  Then he went to go take the pile of folded shirts to the shelf on the shop floor, humming the tune of White Queen while he worked. 


When Priya met up with Tina and Lettie before the boys' next gig, she was beaming. 

"I did it! I applied for the Glasgow writer's program!" she declared. 

Her friends' jaws dropped. 

"Oh, Pri! So excited for you!"

"Pri, oh my God, that's fantastic! Did you tell your Mum?"

Priya shook her head.  "I'll only tell her if I get accepted. No use worrying her for something if we don't even know if it's a go or not."

"I know you'll only be just over in Scotland, but it will feel like you're all the way in India again!" Lettie cried.

Priya nodded. "I know, I feel the same. I'll miss you loads."

Roger raced up to them then.  

"Roger, everything all right?"

"No! What's going on here?"

"I've applied to the writing program in Glasgow," Priya explained.

"You're leaving too? Everyone's leaving!"

"Well only if I get accepted into the program.  And what do you mean everyone's leaving?"

"Tim's leaving the band!"


Tim appeared, having jogged over. He sighed.  "Thanks, Rog."

"Well it's true! You just told us!"

"Yeah but I wanted to be the one to tell them - especially my own girlfriend."

"Tim, what's this all about?" Tina cried. 

"I've had an offer from another band."

"Which band?"

"Humpy Bong?"

"Humpy Bong?"

"Yeah, they're going places, they're going to be big."

"'Humpy Bong'? You're joking," snorted Roger. 

"Oi! Wait up!" Freddie and Brian raced up to them.  "Did you hear the news?"


"Shocking, isn't it?"

"I'm sorry guys. You know I love Smile, but I think it's time for me to move on and try something new," Tim said. 

"But your our bloody lead singer! And bass player."

"Well I've already got part of that covered for you." Tim turned to Freddie.  "It's all yours, Fred." 

"But Darling-"

"No, really. You deserve it." 

"You don't play bass, do you Fred?" Brian asked. 


"Now what are we going to do?" cried Roger. 

"We keep going, that's what, Darling." Freddie clapped his hands with purpose. "The show must go on!"

(A few chapters left! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

You Take My Breath Away - Brian MayWhere stories live. Discover now