5. Sweet Lady

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In the end, she and Brian hadn't gotten much work done.  Neither minded, however, as they had gotten to know each other instead, over tea and fashion magazines and notes about the universe. 

Lettie told him about the family grocery shop, her Greek roots, and her dream of working at Biba, hence why she visited so often.

"Do you speak Greek?"

"Some, a little.  My grandparents speak it more than English, so we'll speak to them in Greek." 

She learned that Brian was vegetarian and had a love for animals, and that he had built his own guitar, called the Red Special, with his dad. He also liked photography.

"How do you know Tina?"

"We're mates from school. Has she used any of you as her guinea pig yet?" Tina was studying to be a hair dresser and loved to practice wherever she could. Both Lettie and Chip had been the subjects of her experiments before.

"Not yet, but she has commented that we all look rather shaggy."

"Sounds like Tina. How long have you known Tim and Roger?"

"A few years. Tim and I started the band and put an advertisement out for a drummer, and along came Roger."

"And the rest is history?"


She started off knowing Brian the least, but by the end of their visit she knew him by far the best. They took the bus together part way on their ways home, and she was glad for their conversation to continue.

She had classes and a bunch of homework, so she didn't make it back to Biba for a few days.

"Hi Mary." Brian smiled at the blonde as he approached the cash desk.

"Brian! Hi, how are you?"

"Well thanks, and yourself?"

"I'm very well, thanks."

"I ordered something and got a call that it's ready for pick-up."

"Of course! Just let me find it for you, it'll be in the back."

"Mary, what do you think of this combination-" Lettie walked over, holding up a jacket and pair of trousers.  She noticed Brian. "Oh, hello you."

"Hello." Brian smiled back. "You weren't kidding when you said you spend most of your time here, then."

"Yes, and even that's an understatement.  I spend a lot of time here.'

"Yes, Lettie visits often.  She claims it's to see me, but I know it's really so she can browse the latest finds," Mary joked. "I'll be right back with your order, Brian."

"Thank you." He turned back to Lettie, smiling, hands jammed in the pockets of his coat. "How have you been the last few days?"

"Busy, but good, thanks. You?"

"Same, got a big test coming up."

"What do you think of this?" She held up the green jacket with the brown trousers.

"I like it. I think it would go very nice with your red hair."

"Thank you." 

"Alright, here we are." Mary returned and set a bag down on the counter.  "Two button-down shirts, yes?"

"Yes, that's it." 

"Well here you are, then. Why don't you go try them on," Mary suggested. Then she added, a playful glint in her eye, "You can get Lettie's opinion. She's got an eye for that sort of thing. You came by at a good time."

"Okay, yeah, sure. Want to make sure they fit."

"Just pop to the changing room - take which ever stall is open," Mary called, sending Brian off with his package.

Lettie leaned against the counter with a smirk.  "So, now I'm doing your job? Helping customers select the best clothes?"

"Good practice for when you work here." Mary winked.

"Well-played, Austin."

"Oh, and I think that combination is lovely." Mary nodded to the items in Lettie's hands.

"Yeah, Brian likes it too..." She held them up together again.  "I can't decide - must keep browsing. Oh, and before I forget, Brian told me that you two used to go out."

"Yes, we did go out a few times. He's a dear."

"Yes, he is."

"Um, hello? Anyone there?" Brian's head popped out of the curtains on his changing stall, his curly hair peeking out adorably.  

"Yes! Ready to model them for us?" Lettie asked. 


"You don't sound very ready!"

He stepped out from behind the curtain in a plain white shirt. He stood tall, holding his arms out stiffly.

"Oh, come on, strike a pose!" she called playfully.

Brian chuckled but looked a little awkward.  He eventually settled for putting his hands on his hips and faced the tall mirror that stood nearby, checking his reflection.

"Spin around for us."

"Okay..." He did a slow spin.

"I'd say that one fits nicely."

"Yeah, thanks. I like the material, it's very soft. I'll try the other one." He disappeared back behind the curtains and remerged a few minutes later in the other shirt, which was a deep blue with orange and red embroidery along the collar.

"Both fit." He stretched out his arms and twisted them from side-to-side. 

"I like both.  The more traditional, and the more bold," Lettie said. "But I always say go more bold. The more bold, the better."

"You sound like Freddie," said Mary. 

"I do like to be experimental," Brian said, regarding his reflection in the new shirt. "What the hell, I'll get both.  One for school and the other for stage."

"Yes, you'll be the most stylish astrophysicist out there," Lettie joked.

He chuckled. "I meant the plain one for school, and the more bold one for performing."

"I know. But you never know."

Brian slipped back behind the curtains to change again.  Mary rang the shirts through at the cash desk and Brian paid for his new clothes. 

"New clothes, so exciting!" said Lettie.

"Thank you Brian, come again!" Mary said as she passed Brian his purchase over the counter. 

"Thank you both.  See you soon." He waved and then left the shop. 

"That was excellent customer service, Miss Evans," Mary commented. 

"Why, thank you, Miss Austin."

(So this story has barely begun and here I am already planning a sequel for it set in the '80s ;) I need to satisfy my craving for Queen fanfictions! And I have lots of ideas! :) 

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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