26. One Year of Love

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One year later...


"So the band's called Queen now?"

"Yes, Fred's idea."

"How could I not have guessed?"

"He says because it's outrageous. I think it sounds glamorous and exciting - and that's definitely very Fred."

"Yes, definitely.  I like it."

"So do I." 

Brian and Lettie, hand-in hand, were walking to band rehearsal. 

"The first ones, as usual," Brian remarked as they stepped into the room they had booked at the arts college. 

"Yes, Mr. Always Prompt."

"I pride myself on always being early/on time."

"I know. It's one of the many things I like about you."

They two kissed.

"Actually, one of my students beat me to class once," he said once they'd pulled away.


"Yup.  He was already at the lab I was a TA for when I got there."

"Well then he must have been more keen than even you were."

"Must have, I guess." 

"Sorry I'm late!" John burst into the room then, hair all flyaway and wild, his bass clutched tightly in his hands. 

"Right on time, John," Brian assured him.  "Fred and Rog are the late ones."

"Oh, good," John nodded.  The poor guy looked like he had run the whole way here.  "Hi Lettie."

"Hi John." 

John Deacon was Smile's - Queen's - lasted addition. He was a fantastic bass player and a really sweet guy, and really fit in well with the others, who all adored him. 

Brian and John began to set up for rehearsal, still waiting on half the band members. 

"Was your watch broken again, Fred?" Brian asked when Freddie waltzed into the room.  "You're twelve minutes late."

"Who's counting?"

"I am." 

"Benny was asleep in my lap," Freddie said, speaking of one of his beloved cats.  "I didn't have the heart to move him."

Brian regarded him with his hands on his hips.  "Even though we had scheduled rehearsal?"

"Especially though, Darling!"

"Didn't Benny know that? I thought you tell your cats everything."

"And I do, but cats can't help when and where they fall asleep!"

You Take My Breath Away - Brian MayWhere stories live. Discover now