23. Son and Daughter

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When Chip asked to come along to the gig, Lettie was hesitant, considering that she and Brian were dating now and she wanted some time with him. This was her first outing with friends since Dad's heart attack, as she had been too busy with work and helping him before.  But, it was also Chip's first outing.  He had had a rough time lately too, of course, so she didn't see any harm in it. They could both use a night out with friends listening to some good music. Again, what was the harm? 

Famous last words. 

"Just please behave," she requested. She didn't need to add, 'Unlike last time.'

"I will," he promised. 

Famous last words. 

Tina was still persistent about her theory concerning Brian's new song, and Priya was now mostly convinced of it as well. Lettie didn't know what to think - she'd have to listen to the song first. 

"Oh, here it is!" Tina cried, laying a hand on Lettie's arm excitedly as Freddie took Tim's place as lead singer on stage.

Brian was wearing the blue embroidered shirt he'd bought at Biba the day Lettie had been there visiting Mary and browsing the latest styles.

"Whoever helped Brian in picking out that shirt has an impeccable eye for fashion." Mary winked her way and Lettie grinned back.   

"Hello all you beautiful people," Freddie addressed the crowd through the microphone with a smile. "Thank you all for being here. We have a very special tune for you tonight," he announced. "It's called White Queen: As it Began, written by our very own Brian." He gestured to Brian who waved. "I think it's beautiful and I think you will think so too! And now, without further ado..." He tossed his hair back, took up the microphone, and began to sing.

"'So sad her eyes
Smiling dark eyes
So sad her eyes
As it began...'"

Freddie had an incredible voice, one that captured the whole room while also carrying through it, enchanting everyone there, holding them under a spell. Lettie couldn't pull her eyes away. 

"'On such a breathless night as this
Upon my brow the lightest kiss
I walked alone
And all around the air did say
My lady soon will stir this way
In sorrow known
The White Queen walks and the night grows pale
Stars of lovingness in her hair...'"

As the song carried on, Lettie kept her gaze on Brian. He always looked so relaxed and calm while playing the guitar, especially now playing this ballad, and not a full on hard rock song. 

"'As it began...'"

The song ended. There was a brief moment of silence following that last note before the crowd erupted into applause and cheering.  The ladies joined in as well.

Tim came back onto the stage to thank the crowd and the boys headed backstage. 

"See!" cried Tina across the table to Lettie.  "I wasn't lying."

"I don't know..." Could the song really be for her? About her? "I'm feeling like chips, anyone else? Basket of chips to share?"

"You read my mind."

"Thanks, Let."

"The boys'll be hungry after their set."

So avoiding Tina's knowing stare, Lettie headed up to the bar counter. 


"Whoa Mate!"

"Eyes off my girl!"

"I wasn't!"

You Take My Breath Away - Brian MayWhere stories live. Discover now