Chapter 27

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Off's pov

It felt like I was on the verge of death when Gun's mom told me that gun was missing. She was crying cause she was so worried. It must have been due to our fight that Gun decided to leave the hospital without informing anybody. Damn... And I can't even contact him. This is crazy. It's all my fault.

I ran outside my house and call one of my trusted classmate telling him I can't go to school now cause I have an important thing to do. I tried calling some of the people Gun knew and was hoping they know where Gun could be. But unfortunately nobody knew where he is.

I searched for some places where he usually go before. But I still couldnt find him. The day was about to set, it's almost afternoon and I haven't eaten anything sicce morning. But I couldnt stop looking for him.. I was even planning to call the police to help me find him... But I don't think I have enough time to do that..

Where are you gun? Please let me know where you are.....

Then i thought about his home. It's the safest place for him. He couldn't possible go far too because he couldn't walk properly. I just really hope he's there..

And he really was..

End of flashback
We were kissing deeply and passionately as if we long each other's lips.. I then carried him bridal style unto his room..

I knew I was supposed to bring him back to the hospital, but I really want him now. Then he suddenly put his arms on my neck and hugged me tightly and I heard him sobbing...

Gun: P.... (hick... hick) I'm so sorry I said bad things to you at the hospital.... I didn't mean to...

Off: oi, I get it... You're hugging me too tight. I can't breath..

He still hugged me and this time I could feel that he sneezed on my uniform. What the heck..

Off: come on.. Stop crying. Here let me wipe your nose... You don't need to be sorry. I should be the one who should say sorry because I hurt you. Will you forgive me?

He just nodded. He looked soo adorable. I hate to say this, but he's more adorable than my niece now. I then kissed him again which he also kissed back..

That moment was so sweet as we made love.. His moan filled the entire house and it was music to my ears. We did it until both of us were satisfied.

Until the night came. He was sound asleep, I dressed him up and after that I called his mom telling her that Gun is with me and I'll bring him to the hospital.

After arriving to the hospital. The nurses helped me and let Gun lie down on his bed. I laughed inside my mind, he must have been so exhausted since he never bothered to wake up..

Then his mom hugged me as he saw me. And then I saw Gun's father too glaring at me.

Gun's mom: thank you for finding him.. I'm so sorry for bothering you this much I'm sorry.. I just don't know what to do without you...

Then his mom kissed my cheeks. However our interaction was then interrupted by Gun's father.

Gun's dad: how dare you show your face here after punching me last time.

Gun's mom: don't be too harsh on him. If it wasn't for him Gun wouldn't return here in the hospital. Be thankful..

Gun's dad: what are you to Gun anyway? I believe youre just a close friend right? A close friend who visits every weekend but spends most of the day with my son and a close friend who worked a part time Job just to help with the treatment.

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