Chapter 8

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Off pov

dialing shorty's number
I was expecting maybe 2 rings maybe, but he answered his phone a little later than expected.

Gun: p? Hello?

Off: what took you so long? Just so you know, I don't like waiting.

Gun: I'm sorry p. I was just... Just a little shy.. I'm still not used to it yet.

How adorable. I was smirking like crazy. So he was just staring his phone while I was calling just because he's shy?

Off: we will only date for 5 months right just as you said. If you don't act properly, you will be wasting days being my lover, so put yourself together.

Gun: yes p. I'm sorry.

There it goes again, a sad tone. Am I always making him feel bad and sorry. What a bad lover am I.

Off: I want to hang out with anybody. Are you free?

Gun: YES P!!! where will we go?

He sounds excited.

Off: mall maybe. Just want to cure this boredom. Let's meet at the xxx store. I'll go there at 1pm. Don't be late or else I will really leave you.

Gun: okay P. I will hurry up..

Good thing my lover is very obedient. Will he also agree if I will take him home with me and do it with me tonight? Although it will be my first time too with a guy but who cares he's my lover now, and that's what I do with my previous relationships. He asked me not to flirt with other girls right? He's cute and acts like a girl. It won't be difficult for me to do it right?

2pm at xxx store
I saw him patiently waiting and standing in the corner.
Off: I'm sorry I napped and woke up at 1pm. What time did you arrive?

Gun: Its okay P, I just arrived too.
Ahh P. We can watch a movie if you want, I really want to watch this movie since the trailer was so cute.

Off: what movie is that?


He's smiling so happily. But trolls? Really, are you kidding me, that's for kids.

Off: well I'm not really into cartoons. I wanna watch something horror or suspense. Let's see if there's one.

We walked into the movie cinema and I saw the horror movie I wanted to watch so i bought the tickets and went inside the cinema.

The movie was so damn boring, it's not that even scary. But my attention was caught by this shorty right next beside me, he was quivering. I was even expecting me to hold me just like what other girls do when we watch horror movies. But he didn't seem to be bored.

After watching the movie, he looked so stress as if he was playing the lead role of that horror movie.

Off: wanna grab some snacks?

He nodded with a smile. I let out a smile too as a response. As we walked our way, a voice suddenly called my name. And Tha voice belonged to one of my flings in highschool.

Girl: what a surprise watching a movie here without a girl company. Who's this?

Off: ahh, my friend I guess.

Girl: really wow he's so cute?

Off: who are you with?

Girl: I'm with my boyfriend.

Oh good thing this bitch already found someone who she could settle down with. I mean she's really active in sex before, she even wanted to have threesome with me and a random guy, which I didnt comply. With such act, I even doubted if she could be serious in a relationship someday.

Girl: but P, you know we haven't met for such a long time, maybe we could have some fun just like the old days. After all, you're still the best for me.

She flirtatious held me arms and yeah she's still the same bitch I knew before. But suddenly a hand was also holding my other arm with a sad look on his eyes.

Gun: P, you said you're hungry, let's get something before the night comes.

Me and gun left the girl, and while we were walking, he seemed to be distant, and silent.

Off: look, I'm sorry if that girl was acting like that. She uses to be my friend during highschool and...

Gun: it's okay P, you don't need to explain.

Off: oh maybe I could explain a little so you won't feel bad. We promised not to flirt others when we're in a relationship right. This  relationship is not even fake to begin with. You and I are really dating, so you have the right to feel jealous.

Gun: but you just said to her that we are just friends right?

Off: ah so that what makes you mad about, you want me to confess to her that we are dating? Are you crazy? We can't just simply tell everybody that, they've known me as straight guy, what would they say if they found out I'm dating you? Such a shame.

Okay maybe I went too far this time. He was trying to hold back his tears.

Gun: I'm sorry, maybe I should know my place. I forgot that I fell in love with a guy. I'm sorry P. Next time, I will be more cautious with the words I will say.

Why are you apologizing. It should be me right? I made you feel bad. I should be the one who should be more cautious with my words. Stop acting so nice, I feel more bad. Why can't you just act like your really angry and ready to leave my side any minute. Why can't you just be more fierce and let me realize my mistake.

Gun: I should go home it's getting late.

Off: I'll give you a ride.
He was about to protest, but I ended up grabbing his arms

When we arrived at his place. He removed his seat belt and gave me a warm smile.

Gun: thank you P. I enjoyed a lot.

Off: you don't have to force yourself shorty. After all, this wasn't the best day after all. But I'm sorry for being a bastard a while ago.

I leaned to him and gave him a kiss on his forehead. Not surprisingly, he just let me kiss him.

Gun: P I think,,, it's better if we..... we could just end things now.

Did I hear him right? We just dated on the first day and he wanted to break up?

Gun: it's just that,,, that...

Off: talk to me properly. Stop making me feel like a very bad person. Stop stuttering damn it.

He got scared. Ohhhhh why can't I just talk to him properly. Aghhh

Gun: I'm a boring person, I can't even make you smile or laugh when we're together, and you seemed to be in a bad mood especially today. I'm sorry. Maybe you could have smiled a bit more, if ever you're with others.

Off: (sigh) I guess you're right. Actually, this is the first time felt so cruel. All I did was to make you feel bad.. I'm not even sure if I can be faithful with you all throughout 5 months.

I can see that his eyes were tearing up.

Gun: but I really wanted to thank you P. This has been my wish. I really wanted to date you, I'm just to greedy to ask you to date me for 5 months. I'm sorry if I couldnt hold on to this relationship, if I couldn't be that strong. But thank you for giving me such a memorable day.   Goodbye P. I hope someday, you will be able to find the person you will fall inlove with cause you are such a wonderful person.

He kissed my lips. It was only a smacked but I could feel like the time stopped at that moment. He then left the car and went inside his house.

shit SHITTTT what have I done. You are a bastard Off. Why do I have to mess this up when you are already starting to fall inlove with him. Ahhhh damn it

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