Chapter 18

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Off's pov

Stepmom: jumpol...... There's someone looking for you.

My stepmom was shouting and calling me early morning wherein I'm still hugging my baby on the bed. As not to disturb gun's sleeping, I have to carefully remove his arm on my waist. Ah I forgot to mention, it's been 4 days since we arrived in my hometown.

To my surprise I saw some of my childhood friends.. This is nostalgic. I haven't seen them since ages. They then invited me to the bar near the market. The bar opened the same year I left and so they're boasting about it. I  accepted the offer and was thinking I could bring Gun too. I bet that boy has never been to club as well.

At night
Off:bii? Are you done? Let's go..hey are you okay?

I saw him struggling to stand up. As if he was on pain.

Gun: I'm okay p. It's just my leg hurts.

He then took a medicine pill and drink it. I became worried. Maybe it's a bad idea to go out.

Off: are you sure your okay? We can just stay here.

Gun: the pain will just go away p.  I already drink a painkiller.

I was trying to remember what could have caused the pain. Did he hit a stone in the beach or was it our sleeping position. He then stand up and smiled that the he could no longer feel the pain.

When we arrived at the club, it was so packed. There were many people dancing and getting drunk.

Then one of my friends called me and waved their hand.

FriendA: hey off, how are you? Youre still as handsome as ever.

Off: ew, don't talk to me like that as if you want to fuck me.

FriendB: he's been crushing you since grade school, you didn't know?

FriendA: back off. I don't swing that way.

FriendC: who's this small kid.

Off: he's not a kid, I mean he acts like one and yeah... He's small.. He's my bo... Hmmp

Gun then covered my mouth and told my friends that we were very close friends. Well I kinda understand Gun. Maybe he doesn't want other people to die from heartattack if I told them were dating. Though everybody knows I used to be a straight man but I fell madly inlove with a guy. Who'd have thought. But I'm not scared of telling the world that I love Gun. It's better this way rather than seeing him being hooked by another thinking that my baby is still single.

That night was so fun. We were just drinking and I saw for the first time Gun drinking an alcohol. Maybe it's okay to do this once for a while.

FriendC: so Off are you still with Jane?

Off: we broke up a long long time ago.

FriendA: WHAT? What a waste dude. I mean you two looked good together.

FriendB: yeah you were even boasting us that your first sex with her was so good. I even thought she would be pregnant by now with your 3rd child.

They were laughing so loudly but Gun seemed not to be happy of what he heard.

Off: oi let's not talk about the past. It's not a loss anyway. And besides people change, we will eventually realize that the feeling we had once will be gone.

Oops why did I say that. Gun suddenly glared at me. I meant Jane. Not Gun.

FriendC: so are you inlove now?

Off: oh come on stop asking me. Talk more about your lives now guys. Mines somewhat not that interesting.

So we all ended up talking about girls, sex life and a little bit of our plans in life. But I'm not really sure if gun is enjoying this somehow.

FriendA: how about you gun? Do you have a girlfriend now?

Gun: ah no I don't..have..

FriendB: but do you sleep around?

Off: oie what's with the stupid question?

Gun: no I don't too.

FriendB: wait really? So your a virgin..

I then looked at Gun who was very uncomfortable with the question. But I'm kinda happy that gun isn't like me though. I'm his first lover and I'll also be the one who'll take his virginity.

FriendC: how come. If your close with Off, you should have been sleeping too like a lot.

FriendA: maybe you'll experience threesome too.

Off: oie quit it. Gun, don't listen to them okay. They're just exaggerating things.

Then I saw gun drinking his shot. He's been drinking a lot now. I was about stop him from drinking when I felt my phone vibrated. It's an important call I guess since it's from my groupmate in school.

I went outside to answer the call. After a few minutes of talking I went back inside. But to my surprise I couldnt see Gun there.

Off: where's gun?

FriendA: ahh you know your friend is so interesting. I told him to approach that girl who has big boobs so that he can have his first time tonight

Off: what?

FriendB: I don't think he likes that stuff haha. Instead he went to the dance floor and now a random guy is dancing with him.

FriendA: off is your friend gay?

I lost my mind. I know that if I told them that gun is my lover, they'll understand. However, asking a new friend to go flirt on their first meeting is not nice at all. . And I know deep down inside Gun must have been so frustrated hearing about my past.

I went to the dance floor and saw Gun dancing. Then I hold his arm which made him stopped. Then he hugged me and was laughing.

Off: let's go home bii

We were about to go out the club when my friends called me.

FriendA: why are you leaving now? We just started the fun.

Off: you guys enjoy. Let's call it a night. And oh by the way, gun is my lover. He just told me to keep it a secret so as not all of you guys feel uncomfortable.

When we arrived at home, I think Gun was vomiting and I pitied him. I guess it wasn't a good idea to let him meet my friends. He was sitting on the bed.

Off: why did you drink so much, you'll be having a headache tomorrow.

Gun: you must be very very popular with girls P. Every girl I saw in the bar was looking at you.

Off: oh come on. They must have known me. I've been living in this place before.

Gun: is this where you met Jane too?

Off: why are you opening this up? I know my friends have been  mentioning her but believe me it's all in the past.

Gun: it's not just your friends here, even your family has been mentioning her too.

Off: bii don't be jealous okay. Why are you jealous with someone I haven't seen for such a long time. And I don't have feelings for her anymore. You're the one I love.

Gun: you were so inlove with her right? She was even your first at everything. But then you had a change of heart. Will you also change your heart too. Will there be a time that you'll come to realize that you don't love me that much?

Off: I think your still drunk bii. I already proposed right?

Gun: then prove it to me... Will you make love to me?

Off: sure, id be glad too.

Gun: now.

Off: okay... WAIT What now? Bii. You're drunk for heavens sake. Let's do this when you're in the right state of mind OK? And also... This is my family's house, it's rude to do it here.

He kept on whining that night. He forced me to kiss him but eventually he fell asleep. Damn, I won't let him drink ever again.

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