Chapter 7

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Off pov

Entering college wasn't the best year of my life. I remembered during my first year about 3 years ago I was stuck living with my stepmother and father.

My mother died when I was born. All people who knew my mother would really say that I resemble my her a lot. And she was a very kind and gentle person.

My father remarried my stepmother when I was 10 years old. My stepmother is also a kind person maybe just like my mom. However my stepmom is so kind that my father took advantage of her. There was  once when I saw them fighting, my father pushed my stepmom so hard that she hitted her head on the cabinets. She was admitted to the hospital afterwards.

But the beating didn't only happened once. As I grew older, my father never stopped hurting my stepmom. I tried saving my stepmom however I only got beatings as well.

It was a chaotic family. I sometimes have to go to school with bandages and just lied that I fell somewhere. I mean how could I tell the world I came from a shitty family and I'm a bad kid who can't even rescue his stepmom from the evil doings of his dad.

Eventually when I reached 3rd year college, I moved out from the house. I can't stand all the screams, cries, the beatings all of it. I tried to divert my attention by dating girls, and I had fun with it.

A lot of my friends asked me why I don't get serious with the current relationship I have. I just couldn't answer them honestly. But the truth is I see my father in me. Maybe not now, but someday, I may be just like my abusive father. I might end up being like him and hurt the ones I love when I become committed to a person. It runs in the genes. I  may inherit my mother's features but I maybe a bad person just like my father.

To prevent from doing those things, I couldn't fall inlove. I don't want to fall in love and hurt them.

I was so lost with my thoughts and then suddenly oab approached me.

"Off I gotta go. The little guy might be waiting." I was confused, what little guy? The shorty? Wait isn't he supposed to go with me? As Oab was walking away so happily, I grabbed my phone and chatted him.

Tumcial: hey I'm done with classes. I'll wait for you in the parking lot.

Gun atp: P? I don't think I can go with you for now. Pls don't wait for me.

What the heck. He won't go with me because he will go with Oab? Doesn't he like me so much before why the sudden change of  heart. And then I replied,

Tumcial: I have something to tell you, Ill wait here.

He didn't reply after that.

After almost 2 hours of waiting, is he really serious of not going to meet me? And why do I still wait for him? Am I stupid? Im so confused on what I truly feel for that guy.

Just then I remembered my past relationship with Jane. Jane was my first and longest relationship. She was always with me and supported me in all the things I do. However, I ended up breaking her heart as I had fun playing with other girls. I truly loved Jane but maybe the love she had for me will never equal the love I have for her. And the relationship became suffocating.

Before we separated for good, she told me "I hope someday you will find someone who you will really care for. Someone that will make you a better version of yourself. Someone who you will never replace."

Up to now I still couldn't find that someone, or have I found her or HIM already but it just took me time to realize it.

Actually I have always noticed Gun's actions after the time we talked with each other for the first time in waiting shed.

He followed me wherever I go but he just hide somewhere. Although it's cute that he doesn't want me to notice it. But Oab and my friends notice him and this made Oab interested of him.

At that time I couldn't accept it. He's a cute person, however I'm a straight person and that won't change.


"P Off? He was panting. I was staring at his face because the person I've been waiting for almost 2, no 2 hours and 10 minutes is here. I think he came running.

" P Off what are you still doing here? Are you waiting for someone else? " he was looking around.

" No, I'm waiting for you."

"I told you I won't go with you right? Good thing P Oab saw you here." my ears tinged hearing Oabs name.

"do you like Oab?"


"who do you like better? Me or him?" he was shocked with my question but I needed his answer  now.

"he's..... He is... a good friend. I enjoyed his company but I like somebody else" he was blushing when he said that but I couldn't take it anymore.

"if your not dating him. Then date me instead."


"is that all you can say?"

"is that want you want to talk about p Off? Don't you have a girlfriend? "

"I'm not dating her. We are just fuck buddies. And hey aren't you the one who courted me before? And I say yes now. However, I still don't know if I really like you as lover. "

The shorty was so shocked and his jaw was dropping and it's so fun seeing him like that.

"I only need 5 months P Off."

"what do you mean by 5 months?"

"let's date for 5 months. That's enough for me. I won't ask you to love me. Just having you by my side will make me happy. Thank you P Off."

He showed his genuine smile but I saw sadness in his eyes and why do you sounded like you're gonna leave soon?

"Okay since you're dating me now, I want you to stop seeing and flirting other girls." I laughed with the deal he has in mind.

"hmm 5 months is quite a long time. I might be bored being committed in a single person." I jokingly said that but I guess he wasn't happy to what I said.

"okay then I'll go with your deal. As for my deal, you must not go near with Oab or don't let any other men be near you aside from me."

"why would other men flirt me, I'm just a nobody."

Well I didn't think my lover now is so dense and not aware of how lovely he is. Well it wasn't hard to court him. As expected of me, I always get what you want.

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