Chapter 17

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Off's pov

I went back to my room. Good thing I saw a warm and relaxing view of Gun and nirin. At least it would make me calm for awhile.

Am: nirin let's take a bath first so that you can play with uncle Gun later okay.

Then P Am and nirin left. and I saw Gun's bright expression. An expression saying that he still wants to play with nirin.

Off: I didn't know you like children this much.

Gun: they're so cute and adorable. I just wanna play with them.

Off: hmmm. Want me to give a child?

Gun: oh. Hehe how will you do that?

Off: of course by making one. Wanna do it now?

Gun: P!! Stop treating me like a girl.

He pouted which I find so cute.

During dinner time. Me and gun arrived at the dining room with my family who were already sitting. And we started putting food on our plates. I put foods on gun' s plate which made everyone watched us.

Am: you two seemed to be very close.

Off: were dating actually.

My family were so shocked that my stepmom dropped the spoon she's holding, and my sister paused from eating while mu father.... well he was just looking at me.

Gun: P!!

Gun then slapped my arm and it was literally painful.

Stepmom: since when?

Off: 3 months ago  I think.

Off's dad: what happened to Jane?

Off: we broke up like 4 years ago.

Off's dad: why?

Off: things just happen.

Off's dad: I didn't know... you swing that way. You used to be a lady killer just like me.

Off: me neither. But I definitely didnt get my looks from you.

Stepmom: anyway, I'm glad that jumpol is able to find a new love. Welcome to the family gun.

Gun: thank you auntie.

Stepmom: and also you can stay here a little longer if it's okay for you.

Off: no can do. His clothes are only good for 3 days.

Stepmom: ah then it's okay, he can use your clothes, I still kept them inside you cabinet. Okay Gun?

Gun: ahh. Okay...

I knew my father was disgusted, cause he always do. I guess he's waiting for me to say that it was all a joke. But I was kinda expecting him to show some shameful acts so that gun can see the kind of person he is. I'll be able to annoy him too just as what I wanted..

Afterwards, my family couldn't stop interviewing Gun, about his life, his college course, where does he live blah2.

When we're done. Gun and I went inside my room but then Am said she wanted to talk to me.

Am:so are you and gun really dating?

Off: what do you think?

Am: I thought you just want to annoy your dad.

Off: well I wanted to.

Am: okay I understand. But please don't give us a heartattack. You literally think that we would expect you to date a guy. I mean youre always with girls. I even saw a naked girl on your room when we had our first video call a long time ago you asshole.

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