Chapter 1

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Gun's pov
"hey did you hear about this new online game, it's damn awesome. We should hang out later and check it out."

That's what my guy classmates love to talk about during breaktime. The allowances their parents gave to them, would always be used to leisure stuffs such as gaming, shopping, eating fancy foods. No matter how much I think they're wasting the money they didn't earn, at least they're enjoying their lives.

I'm on my 3rd year psychology major, and I have one year left to finish my degree and after finishing, I plan to help mother.
I'm the only child and my mother has been supporting me ever since the day she got divorced with my biological father. At such young age, I already carry this burden.

I envy those ordinary college students who can enjoy their youth before graduating. But I have no choice, I have to learn the hard way.

My mother and I are not rich, and so I have to help my mother in our daily expenses. However, ever since I was a child, Im already a weakling. There was a time when I accidentally fell on the floor and my leg got fractured, the doctors told me I have a very fragile bones and should be careful always. And so my mother never permitted me to help her do things even household chores.

I couldn't do sports either since I frequently experiences bone pains. Instead I just study hard in order for me to get a discounted tuition fee for the deans list.

My life would only be just school and study and it became a routine. Hmm. I have friends: sing and new. They sometimes asked me out, but I just couldn't do it for my allowance is just enough for the day. I couldn't waste money, no I just can't

I don't hate my life. It's peaceful indeed. No dramas, no girlfriend to think about. I'm even confident with myself even if the only thing I could do is study.
But sometimes I wanted to do more. Like I wanted to try things I've never done before, such as going to the beach and just have fun (since the last time I went there was I couldn't even remember). I want to play baseball, or ball games because it looks so fun. I want to try eating in a delicious restaurant just like what my classmates talk about. I want to experience many things and I guess I just have to finish college to get that.

Back to the present
Class is over and I'm on my way leaving the school premises. Just when I accidentally bumped someone and her coffee spilled on my uniform. Darn it. I only have 2 uniforms and now it's all stained. Mom will be so upset with this.

Are you okay? She was asking with concern but I was so pissed off that I just didn't answer her. I don't want to associate with others, after all I don't need to be Mr congeniality.

As I went to the boys cr  to wash the stain. I suddenly heard a murmur voices on the cubicle. And then a girl's moan was heard. I was so shocked and became stiffen.

Sh** they're doing it in the cr. As I was about to get out the cr, a guy came in and he looked so mad. He kicked the door of the cubicle where the girl and the guy were having sex. And then the fight began. As they were about to throw punches the girl drag the guy who just came in and I suppose it was her boyfriend.

I dont like to interrupt no matter what, I have to go now. But then the boy who was on the cubicle spoke "were you just there all the time, listening while we're doing dirty things?"

I faced the guy, and to my surprise, it was Off jumpol. He's one of the notorious, playboy and handsome as fuck in his department.

"no.. I, I,, I was about to go but then... Sh** calm down gun. You just need to answer no and that's it.

" you're weird. Don't be nervous, I won't hurt you." Damn it. Even if he's the type of guy who would definitely steal someone else's girlfriend, he would also be that someone who speaks to me in a gentle voice. The tender voice that keeps me going, that soft voice I fell inlove with.

" I have to go" and suddenly I felt a sudden pain on my knee which made me immediately fall on the floor because of pain.

"hey you okay?" I wouldn't let anyone help me or I will be in debt with them. Not to anyone, and especially not to him.

I didn't respond and instead went on my way. I went to the clinic and the nurse gave me painkillers. And adviced me to see a doctor as I have been experiencing a lot of pain without even experiencing a minor accident or injury. Well you know I couldn't just do that unless I ask money from people for my check  up expenses.

At home
I couldn't forget the moment I spoke with Off. I never thought there would even be a chance for that. To him, Im just a shadow that no one would ever want to mingle with. Thank God I bumped to someone, thank God I went to the cr where he had sex with a girl. Wait,, oh yeah he did have sexual encounter with a girl and I almost forgot that.

Well it's fine though, I never planned to confess my feelings for him, I'm contented with the way we are now, as strangers.
But did I tell you another thing that I want to experience, I want to fall inlove and be loved. But of all of the things I want to experience, I think falling in love would be the one that could never be predicted by time.

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