chapter 17

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chapter 17 

My mind was swimming as I stared down at the text from Luke. 3 words made me stop what I was thinking and doing. I need you. My phone buzzed again, it was him. 

Michael told me everything. You're ticket is at the front under my name. 

Before I could stop myself, I was running. I turned corners, making my way to the Hi-Fi venue. I came to a halt at the ticket stand. I waited anxiously in line, tapping my foot and continuously checking my watch. Once at the front I told the lady Luke's name and she smiled at me before sliding the ticket under the window. I practically ran into the people in front of me, trying to get to Luke faster. 

I probably looked like a maniac. I was running throughout the venue just trying to find Luke. I was also soaking wet from the heavy rain on the way here, my makeup probably running down my face. I finally found the entrance to section twelve and started in. 

Not even paying attention to my all time favorite people on the stage, my only focus being to find Luke. My eyes searched the aisles, just looking for the abnormally tall guy who usually towers over everyone. I finally spotted him on the end of the third row, looking around like a lost puppy. He kept chewing on his lip ring and turning around every two seconds. 

I made my way down the carpeted aisle and pushed through people who were trying to get a closer look at the band. My heart was beating so loud in my chest that I could practically hear it in my ears. I got to row five. Then four. Finally I made it to three and stepped into my seat. Luke turned to his left, looking down at me. A smile grew on his face and before I knew it he had pressed his lips to mine. 

Luke put both hands on the sides of my face, him having to bend down to do so, and I gripped the front of his light jean material shirt. I didn't care that my life was playing right in front of me or that people were looking at us like we were crazy. I could only focus on Luke and that his lips were on mine. He finally broke away, both of us breathing heavy and a crooked smile fell onto his face. 

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you." I just nodded, not really caring anymore. "And calling you a slut. I didn't mean it." 

"Just kiss me, Luke." I muttered against his lips and he laughed a little before kissing me again. Luke rested his forehead against mine and then it finally sunk in where I was and who was in front of me. Kodaline. The band that I have been in love with for years. 

"I forgot to tell you," Luke wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I interlocked our fingers, turning my attention to the stage. "I'm staying at yours tonight." 



"But I've got high hopes, it takes me back to when we started

High hopes, when you let it go, go out and start again

High hopes, ooohhh when it all comes to an end

But the world keeps spinning around!" 

I belted out the lyrics to my favorite song with Luke singing by my side. I don't think that I've been this happy in a really long time. I smiled watching some of the best people in the entire world sing one of the best songs written in the entire world. 

"Alright, are you guys up for one more song?" Steve yelled into the mic, earning screams from the small crowd. "This is called All I Want." 

"All I want is nothing more, than to hear you knocking at my door

Cause if I could see your face once more

I'd die a happy man I'm sure." 

I swayed along with the music. This was one of the saddest songs and it held so many memories for me. I listened to it nonstop when my parents died and a few weeks ago when Leanne died. It's kind of my go-to sad song. 

"But if you loved me, why'd you leave me? 

Take my body, take my body. 

All I want is, and all I need is, 

To find somebody, I'll find somebody." 

Before I knew it they were walking off the stage. I frowned, sad to see them go. I grabbed my phone and wallet from the seat that I never once put my butt in and turned to Luke. 

"Good?" He asked and I nodded with a smile. 

"Really good." We interlocked our fingers and Luke led me out into the rainy night. 

"Um, we are gonna have to walk. I don't have my truck." I rolled my eyes as Luke scratched the back of his neck and we started speed walking to my apartment. He kept tripping over his giraffe legs which ending with us both having to stop walking because we were laughing too hard. We ended up jumping in puddles, resulting in even more soaked clothes and troubled breathing from laughing. 

"This is gonna be really cheesy, but I've always wanted a kiss in the rain." I giggled a little at Luke's request but nodded and threw my arms around his neck. Luke planted his hands on my waist, pulling me as close as possible and he leaned down. Our lips brushed a little before he finally leaned all the way in, causing our lips to actually touch. 

Whenever I kissed Luke it literally felt magical. It was like all my worries or troubles just disappeared. He made me feel safe and I don't think I could bear to let him go again. He's like my drug and I can never get enough of him. 

"You're the one." Luke muttered pulling away and I bit my lip a little, looking down at my soaked boots. 


"I think I love you." Luke mumbled and I smiled a little. 

"I think I love you too." I admitted and he let out a breath of relief. 

Luke pulled me closer and I rested my head on his bare chest, feeling his fast heart beat. After playing around in the rain for a little while more, we came back to my apartment and some...things happened. This time it felt more meaningful and special than it used to. 

"You know," Luke started, breaking the silence. "I'm really glad I knocked you down on the crosswalk." 

"Me too." I sighed out, feeling sleep start to make it's way into my body. 

I may not know everything that is happening in my life right now, but I do know one thing. I have Luke by my side and with him, it's like the whole world is right next to me. I found my soul mate in the most unexpected situation and here we are now.  I'm happy and that's all that matters. 


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