chapter 15

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chapter 15 

"You have the right to suck my dick, motherfucker." I laughed a little along with Luke as we watched 21 Jump Street. I let out a sigh as I watched the movie that was supposed to be hilarious. I thought it was kind of stupid, to be honest. But, Luke claims to really love this movie so I watched it with him. He laughed throughout the whole thing so far and I just enjoyed watching him laugh. His eyes crinkled up and his dimples became more prominent. I don't think I could ever get tired of looking at Luke. 

"Are you even watching the movie?" Luke snorted and I blinked a couple times to notice that he was looking at me with an amused look on his face. 

"Yes." I stammered and he just laughed, shaking his head. 

"I know, my hot bod is distracting." He joked and I playfully hit his arm. Luke just rolled his eyes, returning his gaze to the screen. He absentmindedly pulled me closer and I smiled a little as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and tangled our legs together on the love seat. It was really too small for both of us, but I don't have a couch because I have always lived by myself, except for when Lucas was here a couple years ago. 

"Don't touch Korean Jesus." My thoughts drifted elsewhere from the movie playing in front of us and I sighed a little, leaning my head on Luke's shoulder. 

Leanne's funeral was yesterday and ever since all Luke has been doing is trying to get me to laugh. He took me to a comedy show last night and has been forcing me to watch Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler movies all day. I appreciate his effort but nothing could really make me fully happy at the moment. 

"Babe? Are you here?" The front door slammed shut, and my eyes widened, looking over at Luke. His eyebrows were furrowed and I slowly stood up, him following closely behind me. I walked into the kitchen and Lucas stood there with a bouquet of flowers and a smug smile. 

"What are you doing here?" I numbly asked, not wanting to be in this situation. 

"I just wanted to see how you were doing, love." His eyes flickered to Luke who was standing behind me, obviously confused. "And you are?" 

"Luke." He slowly said and Lucas snorted. "I didn't get your name?" 

"I'm Lucas. Sam, are you doing okay? I heard about Leanne. It's just horrible." He moved closer to me and I tensed up, backing away a little. He purposely stuck his arm out for Luke to see the name Samantha scripted on his wrist when he handed me the flowers and I immediately dumped them in the trash bin. 

"Lucas, leave." I said quietly but sternly. He held his hands up in mock surrender and started to go to the door. 

"Here's the key you gave me." He smiled before setting an old key I gave him to the apartment and walking out the door, but not before turning around. "Nice to meet you, Luke." Lucas closed the door behind him 

I turned around to see how Luke was reacting and his eyebrows were still furrowed. I was about to say something but he just turned around and walked to the living room. I followed him and he just threw on his sneakers and zip up hoodie, grabbing his phone off of the coffee table before making his way to the front door.

"Luke, wait. Let me explain." I tried and he spun around to face me. 

"There's nothing for you to explain, Sam. God, I thought you were different." He opened the front door and turned around. "Maybe I was wrong when I thought you weren't a slut."

My mouth dropped open as he slammed the door behind him. I felt like I couldn't move. It was like my feet were glued to the kitchen floor. I tried to form a coherent thought about what just happened but nothing in my mind seemed to be working. I finally pulled myself together enough to walk up to my bedroom. I trudged up the spiral staircase, feeling tears come to my eyes. 

I slammed my bedroom door and slid down it, tears now freely falling down my face. i can't believe Lucas would do that. He has literally ruined everything for me. He got me pregnant two years ago and left but not before telling me that he had been cheating on me for almost six months and now he has made Luke hate me. When I was nineteen I thought that he was the one. I thought wrong.

I stood up from my spot on the floor and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After that, I threw my hair up into a messy bun and wiped off all of my makeup. I threw off my jeans and t-shirt before pulling a random extra large t-shirt over my head. Once it was all the way on, I realized it was Luke's shirt that he had left here last night.

I crawled into my bed and turned off my bedside lamp, my only light source being the moons reflection streaming through my window. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to stop crying. It felt dumb crying over a guy. He was my soul mate though. Now, Luke thinks that I've been seeing someone else. I mean, I would have reacted the same way. I turned over on my back and stared at the ceiling as tears fell down my face.

I threw a pillow over my face and gripped the back of it so hard it felt as if my knuckles would pop out of my skin. I let out those ugly sobs and it was as if I couldn't stop crying. All the emotions I have been holding in for the last week finally came out. At Leanne's funeral, I didn't cry. But, in the middle of Justin's eulogy, I got up and left, not wanting to be there when they lowered my best friend into the ground.

 Maybe I was wrong when I thought you weren't a slut. Luke's words repeated in my head to the point of where I just screamed into the pillow. I finally fell asleep, the last thing on my mind being the disgusted look on Luke's face when he left. 

You're the Oneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें