chapter 11

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chapter 11

Luke's POV 

"Please wake up." I said more to myself than to Sam. She was lying in the hospital bed, like she has been for the past two days. For the first time in a while, she looked like she was at peace. There were no frown lines and her eyebrows weren't furrowed. No creases in her forehead or a pissed off look on her face. Just a peaceful sleeping girl in the hospital bed. I haven't left my chair beside her for two days, except to go to the bathroom. The guys have been bringing me food, but I have barely touched it. 


I heard police sirens when I was in the cafe so I went outside to see Sam standing on the sidewalk. I began to walk over to her to see what was going on but she started running back to her apartment, bumping into me on the way.

"Sam!" I yelled but she was already long gone. I saw a guy sitting with the police man with tears on his face and he looked up at me when I yelled for her.

"Are you Luke?" He asked me and I hesitantly nodded.

"What happened?" I asked and before I knew it, he had pulled his fist back and a stinging pain shot through the left side of my jaw. "What the hell?" I yelled and held my jaw, swiping some blood off my mouth. 

"That was for my wife. She was Sam's best friend and she told me the next time she saw you, that's what she was going to do." He said to me and I just looked at him with a shocked expression. I shook my head and smiled a little at him as he laughed. "Sorry, man." His smile faltered and he looked over to the police loading a body into a bag. I put the pieces together that it was the other girl that worked at the salon. 

"Shit." I muttered, knowing that her and Sam were really close. I hopped in my truck and speeded the few blocks to Sam's apartment. The door was unlocked so I ran upstairs. I heard the shower running so I pounded on the bathroom door. 

"Sam!" I yelled but there was no reply. I pressed my ear up against the door and didn't even hear any crying. "Sam, open up!" I yelled and finally decided to just go in. It's not like I haven't seen her naked before. I pushed the door open and saw her sitting on the shower floor with blood running down both arms. "What did you do?" 

I turned the scorching water off and her eyes fluttered shut. I muttered curse words to myself as I grabbed a blanket from her bedroom and put it around her, lifting her small frame up and bridal carrying her to my car. I sat an half-unconscious Sam in my passenger seat and drove off to the nearest hospital. Her eyes kept opening and closing but I could tell that she was about to be out. Blood and water was dripping onto my seats but I could care less at this moment. 

//////////Flashback over/////////////

I squeezed Sam's hand and my head shot up as I felt a small amount of pressure on my hand. I looked at her still body and her eyes fluttered open a moment later. Sam let out a deep sigh and closed her eyes again. 

"Sam?" I asked quietly, afraid that I might have just imagined that. 

"I'm in the hospital aren't I?" Her voice cracked and I felt my chest clench. 

"Yeah. I found you in the shower." I trailed off and she threw an arm over her eyes but quickly put it back down, flinching in pain. "I'm gonna go get a doctor." Sam nodded and I hesitantly kissed her forehead before going to retrieve the doctor. 

"Luke?" She called quietly as I was halfway out the door. I poked my head back in and there were tears in her eyes. "Can you stay with me?" I nodded and offered her a small smile. I turned my head and there was the doctor that had been checking on Sam for the past two days. I waved him over and then went to go back to my seat. 

Sam reached for my hand and I gave hers a small squeeze. The doctor came in and gave her a kind smile before pulling out her charts. He asked her a few questions and I could tell that she was uncomfortable with the whole situation. Her small hands shook in mine and I ran my thumb across the top of her hand trying to calm her down. 

"When can I go home?" Sam asked after the doctor stopped talking. He offered a small smile and then flipped to a different page in the very thick manila folder with her name on it. 

"We just need to keep you tonight since you're awake but you can go home in the morning." He left the room and Sam let out a sniffle but coughed to cover it up. 

"Please don't leave." She muttered and I nodded, knowing that even if she didn't ask I was going to stay. 


"Ready?" Sam slowly nodded her head and tugged at the sweatshirt that covered her stitched up wrists. I put a hand on the small of her back and walked out of the hospital room with her and out the front of the building. I let out a breath once we were in the fresh air and out of the sterile rooms. 

As we climbed into my truck, I noticed that the blood was gone. I guess one of the guys cleaned it out. Sam buckled her seatbelt and I began driving back to her apartment. I had asked Calum to go and clean up the bathroom so that she wouldn't have to once she was released from the hospital. 

"Are you hungry? We can stop and get something." I suggested and shot her a glance. Sam just shrugged and looked out the window. "Do you like Chinese?" I asked and she nodded so I turned into the Panda Express. 

"Just some Egg Drop soup, please." She said quietly as I pulled up to the speaker box to order. I told the lady our orders and after driving away, I looked over to see Sam fast asleep, curled up in the passenger seat. 

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