chapter 6

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chapter 6 

"What do you call a lazy baby kangaroo?" I laughed quietly and looked down at me and Sean's intertwined fingers. 

"I don't know, what?" I asked, softly and he gave me a lazy smile. 

"A pouch potato." If I wasn't so tired, I would have burst out laughing at the lame joke but my body just wouldn't allow it. "You tired?" 

I nodded and Sean pulled me closer, allowing me to rest my head on his unclothed chest. I breathed in the faint scent of his cologne and let out a content sigh. Sean rubbed my bare back which calmed me down and I pulled the covers up to cover my chest. Sean placed a small kiss on my forehead and I slightly smiled to myself before closing my eyes, exhaustion washing over me. 

"Can I tell you something?" I muttered out a 'sure' and he wrapped his arms around me. "I think I'm falling in love with you." 

That was the last thing I heard before I slipped into a peaceful unconscious state. My dreams were filled with Sean and those captivating blue eyes. 


I woke up to a cold, empty side of the bed and my eyebrows furrowed at the clothes that previously occupied the floor were gone. I turned around and frowned at a small piece of paper sitting on the pillow next to me. I picked it up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes before reading. 


I'm sorry. All of this shouldn't have happened. We can't be together. I shouldn't have had sex with you that day in the salon and again last night. It was all a big mistake on my part. Don't try to contact me. I don't want to be with you. We aren't soulmates so this will never work.


I felt tears prick my eyes and I crumbled up the note in pure anger before throwing it on the ground. I climbed out of bed, realizing that I only had twenty minutes to get to work. I sniffled and swallowed the lump in my throat before grabbing my tooth brush. I got ready quickly, not bothering to put my makeup on and pulling on some jeans and a sweater with my Converse. I ran out the door not wanting to look at my unmade bed or the two half empty coffee cups on the counter. 


"Where were you?" Leanne practically yelled at me when I stumbled through the door of the salon. 

"Sorry." I sighed out, tears threatening to spill. She quirked an eyebrow at me and I just ran to the back room to deposit my purse before going to my client. 

"Sorry I'm late." I breathed out before putting a shawl over the bright haired boy's t-shirt. He looked up from his phone and I immediately recognized him from last night. 

"You're Sean's friend right?" He asked and I nodded a little. "What's your name again? I'm Michael." 

"Sam." I said and he nodded giving me a smile. "But I'm not really his friend anymore." I muttered and tapped my foot. 

"But you were with him last night?" He looked confused and I shrugged. 

"Long story." I mumbled and he just nodded giving me a sympathetic smile. "So what are you here for?" I asked, redirecting the conversation, and he muttered out the word 'red' before pointing to his green hair. "You sure? It might all fall out." I joked. 

"Oh, don't worry. I do this all the time." I let out a breath before going to the back room and getting the dye. Oh, these boys with their hair color. 


Michael's POV 

"Luke Robert Hemmings." I grumbled, pushing through the door of my best friends apartment. I found him in the kitchen shoving a Cheetos in his mouth. 

"Oh, I like your hair." He smiled and I rolled my eyes. 

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked and he furrowed his eyebrows, confusion written all over his face. 

"What do you me-" I cut him off. 

"Cut the shit, Luke. Why does Sam think your name is Sean?" I asked and a blush crept up on his neck. "And what did you do to her? She said you guys weren't friends anymore. You were literally all over each other last night." 

"That's what I told her my name was." he said slowly and I whacked him upside the head. "My name is on her wrist, Michael and hers is on mine. When I saw her tattoo, I panicked and now she thinks my name is Sean. I kind of told her that whole soul mate thing is dumb and I'm scared she won't want to be my soul mate if I tell her." He rushed out and I pinched the bridge of my nose, annoyance coursing through my veins. 

"So you just left her?" I asked and sighed at my friend's stupidity. 

"I froze. I told her that I was falling for her- which I am- but if she knows that I lied to her than she'll just hate me even more." Luke sighed and shoved food in his mouth. "We had sex last night and I left her a note this mornign telling her not to talk to me again." 

"Luke, you have screwed yourself big time." I clamped a hand down on his shoulder as he stuffed like six Cheetos in his mouth. 

"I know." He muttered with a mouth full, flecks of orange chip dust going onto the counter. 

"C'mon Cal's party starts in half an hour." Luke stood up, swallowing his food before going to his bedroom. "Oh, my god." I laughed as he pulled his shirt over his head. "Is that a hickey?" 

"Shut up." Luke muttered and pulled on another shirt before going to the bathroom and shutting the door behind him. 

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