chapter 7

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chapter 7 

Sam's POV 

"So it looks like we have a birthday in the club tonight." I laughed as Jamie strutted out onto the stage and greeted the party of about six or seven guys in the corner. The all wolf whistled and shoved their friend forward. He was quite attractive, with dark brown hair and reddened cheeks. He had multiple tattoos scattering his arms and me and the other girls laughed as Jamie went and sat on his lap. Katy Perry's Birthday started playing and she started giving him a lap dance. 

"Get it Calum!" Some of his friends hollered with laughs as his cheeks burned an even brighter shade of pink.

"Did they just say Calum?" I turned around to see Carly pulling her bracelets up to reveal his name in scripted letters. "Oh, my god! I found him!" She started jumping around and I felt my smile falter. One more person has found their soul mate. When you're alone, it's hard to be happy for every one around you.

I watched as Carly raced out to shove Jamie off of Calum. She whispered something in his ear and his brown eyes widened. Calum pulled his bracelets off and it showed her name. He grabbed her hand and led her to a table in the corner.

"Sam! Time for the dance." My friend, Lexi, came up behind me and fixed her lipstick and I ran my fingers through my hair before walking onto the stage. I squinted as the lights shone down on us and I smirked a little as Money Make Her Smile by Bruno Mars blasted through the speakers.

As I danced and did the pole, I couldn't help but smile as more money was thrown our way. I guess my rent is paid for for the month. Wolf whistles and and smirks were thrown our way and I was out of breath as the song ended. The curtain closed and me and Lexi eagerly picked up our earnings. I thumbed through the money as we went to the back room. Once in a chair, we put the money in the middle of the table and began counting it out. 

"One for me, one for you." WE muttered and passed the money back and forth. I smiled at the total of 176 dollars. 

"Hey we need you guys in the birthday group. Lexi you get a guy with curly brown hair and glasses and Sam you get the tall blonde." We nodded and I put my money in my bag before following Lexi to the group. Once I spotted him, I tapped him on the shoulder and once he turned around, I wished that I hadn't. 

"Sean?" I asked quietly, afraid that if I said anything else my voice would falter. 

"Sam? What are you doing here?" He asked but trailed off, looking at my attire. "You're a stripper?" 

"Luke, who the hell is Sean?" A guy with curly brown hair slurred and almost knocked Sean down before I could answer

"What's going on?" 

"This is my best friend. His name is Lukey Pookey Dookey Ookey." His friend trailed off and giggled to himself. 

"You're name is Luke?" I asked, feeling tears start to prick my eyes and a lump form in my throat. "All this time, you told me that your name was Sean and it's Luke. Your name is on my fucking wrist! Why didn't you tell me? Is that why you left this morning?" I yelled and he tried to answer but nothing came out of his opened mouth. I rolled my eyes and turned around, feeling all of his friends eyes on us.

"Sam, wait." He tried to grab my arm, but I yanked it away. 

"Let go of me, Luke." I said his name with a profound disgust and walked away rather quickly. 

I can't believe it. The reason he left is because he is my soul mate. I felt like everything around me was spinning. I quickly walked back to the dressing room and sat down at my mirror. Tears fell down my face and I heard the door open. Looking into the mirror, I saw my boss, Randy, standing in the doorway with a frown.

"I'm not happy, Sam." He said, shaking his head. "Do you know why I'm not happy?" I rolled my eyes and wiped my running mascara. "I had someone pay for a lap dance and here you are sitting on your bum, crying about a silly boy. Now, I suggest you go out there and do your job." He snarled and I stood up, letting out a sniffle. 

"I quit." I spat. 

"You what?" He asked and narrowed his eyes. 

"You heard me, I quit. I'm done with you and this dumb job." I said and he snarled before walking out of the room, slamming the door behind him. 

I took off the bedazzled bra-let and put on my sports bra with a loose t-shirt and exchanged my bikini bottom for spandex. I threw my teased hair up into a ponytail and grabbed a makeup wipe. After successfully getting all my running, heavy makeup off I grabbed my bag but stopped mid step when I thought of the box I had taped under my table. I quickly yanked it out and shoved it in my bag before walking out with my head held high. 

"Hey, girl!" Carly yelled over the music and pulled Calum over to me. "This is Calum. I think he's your boyfriends friend." Calum nodded and I gave him a small smile. 

"Sean seems happy around you." He said with a smile. 

"He's not my boyfriend and I know that his name is not Sean. Now if you will excuse me. I need to go pick up my last paycheck." I muttered the last part and saw Carly's face fall. "Congrats on finding each other." I faked a smile before walking past them and to Randy's office. He sat in his chair holding a small piece of paper out, as if he was expecting me. I snatched it out of his hands and left the club, ready to be in my own bed. 

"Sam, hold up!" I heard my name being called and I just rolled my eyes and kept walking, picking up my pace. "Sam, wait!" Luke grabbed my arm, forcing me to stop and I turned to him before pulling my wrist from his tight grasp. 

"What do you want?! I don't feel like being lied to at the moment! I just want to go to my apartment and never speak to you again, just like you wanted. So, please, leave me alone!" I yelled, my voice breaking, earning a couple looks from passing people but I ignored it. Luke's face fell a little and i just walked away, hoping that he wouldn't follow. 

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