chapter 2

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chapter 2 

"So what does your wrist say?" I froze in the middle of straightening Sean's hair and the flat iron fell from my hand, hitting my finger on the way to the floor. 

"Shit." I muttered, pulling my finger up to my mouth, trying to get the burn to stop, well, burning. 

"Sorry, did I take you off guard?" He asked, turning in his chair to look at me with concerned eyes. 

"No, I'm alright." I answered through gritted teeth and slowly bent down to get the flat iron. "You've got to be kidding me." I muttered, noticing the small light was off on it, meaning that it was dead. I sat it down on the table and returned to Sean who was watching me with his bottom lip tugged between his teeth. Damn, he's cute. I just noticed the small purple lip ring and it made me even more attracted to him. 

"Um, well, I don't have a straightener but your hair looks fine. Is it what you wanted?" I asked, running my fingers through the now black hair. Sean nodded and smiled, dimples popping up on his cheeks and I sucked in a breath. 

"What's the name on your wrist?" He tried once again and I sighed, taking the shawl off of him and shaking the cut off hair onto the floor. 

"Luke, but I haven't met him yet." I sighed and Sean gasped a little but covered it up with a cough and stood up. He followed me to the front of the salon and I went behind the counter as he pulled his wallet out. "It'll be sixty-five." Sean raised an eyebrow at me and I just looked down at the receipt that I was writing out. 

"Damn, what is this, the Pope's hair salon?" he muttered to himself and I giggled as he handed me four twenties. I opened the old time cash register and handed him his change along with a copy of the receipt and he was about to leave but Sean turned back to me. 

"Can I have your number?" he hesitantly asked I almost choked. Why would he be asking me for my number? Shouldn't he be asking someone who's name was on his wrist? 

"Sure." I slowly grabbed a business card for the salon and flipped it over to write my number on it. After finishing the last number, I clicked the Vera Bradley pen and handed him the small white piece card stock paper. 

"I'll call you." Sean smiled and left the shop. I watched as he climbed into an old pick up truck and I felt my mind wander to him. 

"Hey, Mrs. Walker is here for her weekly cut." Leanne interrupted my thoughts and I turned around to see her pointing to my station with the little old lady who came every week to get her hair trimmed. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair before walking over to her. 

"Hello, darling, how are you?" She asked and I draped the shawl over her with a smile. 

"I am doing just fine. How are you?" I asked and grabbed my scissors. "Has Anna had her baby yet?" Mrs. Walker's granddaughter was about to have a child and it will be her first great grandchild. 

"No, she's due in a couple weeks though." We fell into a comfortable silence as I continued to trim the gray hair on top of her head. "Any luck with your boy?" I sighed and shook my head before blow drying the stands of hair off of her shoulders. I pulled the shawl off of her and we walked to the front counter. 

"Nope, I'm still waiting." I said and wrote out the receipt. Every week it was exactly twenty five dollars and she would give me twenty dollars for a tip, even though I told her not to, she insisted that I take the money. 

"I'm sure he'll come around soon. A pretty girl like you shouldn't be alone." Mrs. Walker smiled at me and then looked at my outfit. "You look so cute today, maybe you have already met him but you didn't know it." She smiled before leaving the salon. I immediately thought of Sean. I looked down at my outfit and huffed. I had thrown on a maroon skirt that came to my upper thigh and a tan long sleeve shirt with some black tights and black heel ankle boots. I fumbled with the ring on my left middle finger and sighed, looking at the appointment book. I had someone come in at eleven and then after that one every hour. 

Leanne was busy with a customer so I sat down at the counter and pulled my phone out. Sure enough, there was a text from an unknown number. I smiled slightly, reading that it was from Sean. I put his number in my contact list and suddenly the bell rang, so I looked up, only to have a frown form on my face. 

"Well, well, what do we have here? Little miss Sam breaking salon rules with her phone out." Lucas taunted, causing me to roll my eyes. I heard Leanne's blow dryer stop and I almost thanked God when I heard her footsteps come to the front. 

"Can I help you?" She asked with a fake politeness, knowing well who he was. 

"Oh, just stopping by to see an old friend." He smiled and I wanted to punch the dumb perfectly white teeth out of his mouth. 

"Well, Sam here doesn't have time to talk. So maybe you need to leave?" Leanne suggested, slowly pulling me up from my sitting position on the tall stool. 

"Why do you hate me, babe?" Lucas turned his attention to me and my breath got caught in my throat at the way he was staring at me. I crossed my arms over my chest and I cleared my throat. 

"For me to hate you, I would actually have to care about you." I said, venom lacing my words and he looked taken aback. 

"You seemed to care about me when you had sex with me." He retorted leaning in closer. 

"Get the fuck out of my salon before I call the cops." I matched his tone and he finally stood up straight with a small smirk on his face. 

"You better watch your back, Sam." He said and walked out the door, slamming it behind him. I leaned back and let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. 

"You alright?" Leanne asked and I shakily nodded, his words repeating in my mind. 

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